WAYS TO ENGAGE “To differentiate instruction and engage each scholar through culturally responsive teaching of the California State Standards”
OUR QUESTION Would combining partner work with direct instruction help students use the hand signals to solve math problems more appropriately?
Desired Outcome California State Standards Students will be able to solve math problems without the aid of hundred chart or other math posters. Math Problems will be based on California State Standards for grade levels. Culturally Relevant Teaching and Learning Students will be working with partners. Students will be able to use hand signals, kinesthetic learning.
California State Standards 1 st Grade Math Content Standards: NS2.5 show the meaning of addition (putting together, increasing)… NS2.6 solve addition problems… with one and two digit numbers 2 nd Grade Math Content Standards: NS 2.2 Students are able to find the sum or difference of whole numbers up to three digits long by counting up, counting down, and representing the place value of those numbers to regroup when needed. (NS rd Grade Focus: California Standards for Teaching: Standard 4: Planning, Designing, and Delivering Learning Experiences for All Students - and -Standard 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
1 st Grade Students’ Self-Assessment Students demonstrate self assessment with show of number of fingers up. 3 fingers up: I can demonstrate the count on method and explain how to do it to someone else. 2 fingers up: I can demonstrate the count on method by myself but cannot explain how to do it to someone else. 1 finger up: I can demonstrate the count on method but I need help from someone else.
1st Grade’s Initial Self Assessments: Direct Instruction of TPR Counting On Data Collection for Direct Instruction After direct instruction of the hand signals for counting on 3 students could demonstrate the hand signals and explain it to someone else. 0 students could demonstrate the hand signals but could not explain it to someone else. 14 students could demonstrate the hand signals with help from someone else.
PARTNER DEMONSTRATION: COUNTING ON TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE /SELF ASSESSMENT First grade students using the total physical response solve an addition problem using the counting on strategy. Then they self assessed as 3 (showing three fingers): I can do this and explain it to someone else.
1 st Grade Final Self Assessment After Adding Partner Modeling After adding partner demonstration to direct instruction of the hand signals for counting on strategy for addition: 12 students self assessed they could use the hand signals for counting on strategy to solve addition problem s and explain how to someone else 3 students self assessed they could use the hand signals for counting on strategy to solve addition problems but could not explain it to someone else. 2 students would only be able to use the hand signals for the count on strategy if they were helped by someone else.
SUMMARY OF BASELINE DATA- 2 ND GRADE 2 nd grade scholars were dependent upon the number line when adding and subtracting. They were however three scholars who had already developed a counting on strategy with addition but not securely with subtraction. The majority of the scholars were not able to count on or count back without assistance of the number line.
DESIRED OUTCOMES In 2 nd grade I wanted the scholars to be able to successfully count on and count back for successful regrouping without the number line using a fun strategy that would engage students in a memorable way.
EVIDENCE OF WORK IN ACTION The teacher created an engaging lesson plan that used a total physical response protocol and call and response to engage students in a memorable counting on activity. The students used the strategy every day when adding and subtracting. The students work first in whole group with the teacher, independently and finally with a partner to demonstrate the strategy. The teacher assessed students as they worked at their desks and in their groups.
SUMMARY OF FIRST ROUND DATA During the first trial of the lesson the students struggled with this strategy. They were engaged during whole group but during independent practice five scholars were still unable to use the strategy independently, six were not confident enough to show it to someone else and 9 were able to show someone and use the strategy. The teacher determined that more group work was needed to match the 9 who were successful with the strategy with the 10 scholars who were struggling with the strategy.
FINAL ASSESSMENT 2 ND GRADE When students worked with an ability grouped partner they were able to 1.) demonstrate their strategy to a partner 2) Explain the place value of each digit 3) add or subtract with accuracy At the close of this activity 16 of the 19 could show and demonstrate with addition or subtraction accuracy 3 could show or demonstrate with a partner who helped them but still could not use the strategy independently
Mastery is not singular. 3 rd grade
We Learn Together – We Teach Together Everyone contributes to teaching and learning. 3 rd Grade
Students as Teaching Partners + Strengths We learn together - we teach together. Once learned, concepts are shared. Everyone contributes to teaching and learning. Mastery is not singular. - Considerations Takes a longer time. Must pair partners effectively: know your students. Pair purposefully.
Thanks for viewing our PLC Project N Dahnken A Summerlin J McDonald