4-H Youth Development Program Presented by Steven Worker and Scott Mautte February 29, 11-12pm March 1, 7-8pm These webinars will be recorded.
1.Welcome & Introduction 2.Background about ORB 3.4hOnline Relationship to ORB 4.Social Media and Privacy 5.Project Leaders 6.Club Leaders 7.County Staff Anytime during the presentation, please ask questions in the chat box. While we may not respond during the webinar, we will add to an online list for the ORB Team to address.
Users help us identify bugs and places for improvement. Your information/data is not lost, even if you cannot see them. This is exactly the opposite of how we feel!
Improved reporting system that will improve efficiencies Makes data collection fun & uniform Measures 4-H Impact Helps Youth develop record keeping skills in a 21 st century environment Opportunities for mentoring Extended opportunities for club members to connect with each other
As of February 28, :30pm: 2,292 people using ORB.
ORB gets all its information directly from 4hOnline. ORB uses the same login information that you use to gain access to 4hOnline. For example: If a project is not listed in ORB, likely it is not entered in your 4hOnline enrollment record. DATA Name Clubs Projects Leadership Roles
Update your club on what you are doing. Add a photo or video of a 4-H experience etc. Leave a message for club or project youth and co- leaders Promote someone’s post or comment on it.
Update your county on what you are doing. Add a photo or video of a 4-H experience etc. Promote someone’s post or comment on it. County Stats of ORB Users
My Settings allows a user to set their privacy settings for the Online Record Book.
Allows access for people with disabilities Allows a leader to determine who in their club will see their posts Allows a leader to ignore certain news feeds
Parents have control over their children’s ability to login and social access.
To have ORB functions, enrollment record in 4hOnline must be designated: Project Leader Assistant Project Leader In the Project Screen, Project Leaders: 1.Review project members 2.Set the number of project meetings
In the Action Center, Project Leaders: 1.Review and approve Pre-JTLDR 2.Review and approve Post-JTLDR 3.Review and approve Post-APR
Project Leaders for Leadership Development projects have Thrive Rubrics. In the Action Center.
To have ORB functions, enrollment record in 4hOnline must be designated: Primary Community Leader Co-Community Leader Assistant Community Leader Online Record Book Coordinator AND have “Allow Login” checked in 4hOnline. Note: Only Counties or VEC-2’s can mark this.
Club Leaders: 1.Review and approve Star Rankings 2.Have administrator functions for a.Social access b.Ability to disallow login by any member 3.Review and approve JTLDR for projects with no Project Leader.
Use your same and password from 4hOnline. You can see all posts and information from all youth and adults in your county. Mottos, photos, and activities you enter are viewable by all members in your county. Most of your direct control is through 4hOnline – adding and entering clubs, projects, and leadership roles for youth and adults.
Use your same and password from 4hOnline. You can see all posts and information from all youth and adults in your county. Mottos, photos, and activities you enter are viewable by all members in your county. Most of your direct control is through 4hOnline – adding and entering clubs, projects, and leadership roles for youth and adults.
4-H members will have access to modifying their Record Bookf for the program year until December 31. For example, for this program year, , members can add, edit, and delete items until December 31, H members have a grace period in the new program year until December 31. Members may be inactive, pending, incomplete in the 4hOnline enrollment system and still have access to ORB until Dec 31. After Dec 31, only ‘active’ members will be able to access ORB.
We are currently putting together a team of youth and volunteers to help: 1.Create help guides for ORB 2.Create & deliver ORB training mini webinars and video helps 3.Revise, update and expand the ORB user guide There has been an informational conference call scheduled for March 7 th, from 6:30-7:30pm. If interested in attending, please register at d.adobeconnect.com/orbteam/ d.adobeconnect.com/orbteam/
4-H Youth Development Program These presentations will be archived for future viewing. For help, contact Webinar Series for the 4-H Online Record Book