Student Engagement Building Relationships to Support Student Learning
Personalizing Rigorous and Relevant Learning For Each Learner
You can’t teach kids you don’t know….
Survey My Voice Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations
The Gap Problems Achievement Gap Participation Gap
Personal Worth – belonging, heroes, sense of accomplishment Active Engagement – being involved, fun and exciting, curious, creative and adventurous Purpose – taking responsibility, confidence to take action, believing in self
8 Conditions that make a difference Belonging Heroes Sense of Accomplishment Fun and Excitement Curiosity and Creativity Spirit of Adventure Leadership and Responsibility Confidence to take Action
HEROES: Heroes are the everyday people—teachers, friends, family—in a student’s life who inspire them to excel and to make positive changes in attitudes and lifestyles. SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHEMENT: The condition of Sense of Accomplishment recognizes effort, perseverance, and citizenship as signs of a student’s success. FUN & EXCITEMENT: The condition of Fun & Excitement is characterized by students being actively engaged and emotionally involved in their school work. SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE: The Spirit of Adventure is characterized by a student’s ability to take on positive, healthy challenges at school and home, with family and friends. CURIOSITY & CREATIVITY: The condition of Curiosity & Creativity is characterized by inquisitiveness, eagerness, and a strong desire to learn new or interesting things. LEADERSHIP & RESPONSIBILITY: The condition of Leadership & Responsibility means students are able to express their ideas and are willing to accept consequences for their actions. CONFIDENCE TO TAKE ACTION: Confidence to Take Action is the extent to which students believe in themselves. 8 Conditions That Make A Difference BELONGING: Belonging means that a student is a valued member of a community, while still maintaining his or her uniqueness.
Higher Academic Achievement Less Discipline Problems Fewer Absences and Tardies Lower Drop-out Rates Improved School Climate More Parental Involvement Increased Rates of Students Attending Postsecondary Institutions Nurturing the Conditions that enable students to dream about their future and to be motivated to set goals in the present to achieve those goals, results in:
Perceptions Ma and Pa Kettle Math Exercise
SELF-WORTH Belonging Heroes Sense of Accomplishment 51%I am proud of my school. 49%I enjoy being at school. 46%Teachers care about my problems and feelings. 50%Teachers care about me as an individual. 49%Teachers care if I am absent from school. 21%I have never been recognized for something positive at school. 50%If I have a problem, I have a teacher with whom I can talk. 55%Teachers respect students. 41%Students respect teachers. 31%Students respect each other NATIONAL DATA
46%School is boring. 58%At school I am encouraged to be creative. 40%My classes help me understand what is happening in my everyday life. 58%Teachers enjoy working with students 39%Teachers have fun at school. 32%Teachers make school an exciting place to learn. 73%My teachers present lessons in different ways ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT Fun & Excitement Curiosity & Creativity Spirit of Adventure NATIONAL DATA
63%I am a good decision maker. 59% I see myself as a leader. 35% Other students see me as a leader. 91%I believe I can be successful. 77%Teachers expect me to be successful. 63%I believe I can make a difference in this world. 67%I put forth my best effort at school. 37%I know the goals my school is working on. 34%Students council represents all students at school. PURPOSE Leadership & Responsibility Confidence to Take Action NATIONAL DATA
The Aspirations Profile: Understanding our students better It’s Time to Lead Updated March 20, 2009 We Learn Student Survey – 70,358 We Teach Instructional Staff Survey – 6,554 We Lead Whole Staff Survey – 12,430
We Lead: 12,430 faculty voices Coherent Vision Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff My day-to-day actions are aligned with the mission and vision of this school 88%89% 82%
Coherent Vision Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff My day-to-day actions are aligned with the mission and vision of this school. 88%89% 82% The school’s mission and vision are reviewed on a regular basis with the staff. 59%61%60%51%
Coherent Vision Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff Decisions at this school are based on the needs of students. 68%75%68%69%
Coherent Vision Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff Staff morale at this school is high. 50%53%50%52%
Years working in schools Coherent Vision 1 st year 2-5 years 6-10 years years Over 20 Staff morale is high at this school. 69%57%52%48%49%
Instructional Leadership Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff Changes in curriculum and instructional practices are coordinated district wide. 58%61%58%51%
Instructional Leadership Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff I take an active role in curriculum planning at this school. 58%78%63%18%
Instructional Leadership Total In Agreement Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff I am supported when I recommend changes to my curriculum and instruction. 59%72%61%34%
Instructional Leadership Total In Agreement I solve problems effectively. 95% School administrators solve problems effectively. 61%
Empowerment Total In Agreem ent Full-Time Dept. Chairs Classroom Teachers Support Staff I trust that school administrators will act in my best interest. 63% 69%63%64% I trust my colleagues will act in my best interest. 69%74%69%65%
Empowerment Total In Agreement School administrators see me as a leader. 55% I see myself as a leader.84%
We Learn Student Survey (Grades 6-12) 70,358 student voices We Teach Instructional Staff Survey 6,554 voices
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – Students can apply what I am teaching to their everyday lives. 92% S – I can apply what I learn to my everyday life. 59%
I can apply what I learn to my everyday life. Total In Agreement Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 59%75%72%64%60%54% 58%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I make learning exciting for my students. 86% S – My teachers make learning fun. 41%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I encourage students to explore career pathways. 77% S – My teachers encourage me to explore different careers. 49%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I encourage students to use multiple resources when solving problems. 93% S – My teachers encourage me to use many resources to solve problems. 63%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I am aware of my students’ interests outside of school. 84% S – My teachers know my interests outside of school. 28%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I know my students’ academic interests and goals. 82% S – My teachers know my academic interests and goals. 36%
Teacher – Student Comparisons T – I know what my students are passionate about. 76% S – My teachers know what I love to do outside of school. 27%
Relationships Clearly Important ? How to Quantify? How to Develop?
Essential Relationships In Schools Learning Staff Professional Community
Relationship Framework International Center for Leadership in Education
Relationship Model 0.Isolated 1.Known 2.Receptive 3.Reactive 4.Proactive 5.Sustained 6.Mutually Beneficial
Relationship Model - Student Support 1. Known Teachers get to know students and their families 2. Receptive Have frequent contact with students and show interest 3. Reactive Some positive support when requested, but sporadic 4. Proactive Support from individuals that take the initiative. 5. Sustained Fully supported from all individuals over time 6. Mutually Beneficial Mutually supportive learning community
In The Classroom Classroom Mgt. Relationship Building Rules Power Effectiveness Risk Taking Control Teacher Role Voice Mandated Without Question Passive and Quiet Discouraged Negative Punishment Absolute Attention Public Pronouncements Negotiated With Respect Engaged Encouraged Positive Reinforcement Source of Encouragement Private Conversations
Activity Teacher Behaviors
Supportive Relationships Successful Practices Behaviors Initiatives Structures
Supportive Behaviors Showing Respect Taking Interest Active Listening Frequent Contact Encouragement Avoiding “Put Downs” Displaying Student Work Writing Encouraging Notes Identifying Unique Talents
Supportive Behaviors cont’d. Celebrating Accomplishments Serving As Role Model Using One-to-One Communication Encouraging Students to Express Opinions/Ideas Creating Inviting Classroom Climate Exhibiting Enthusiasm Using Positive Humor Students Praising Peers
Supportive Initiatives Character Education Beginning of the Year Student Social Activities Team Building Mentoring Rewards, Recognition, Incentives Student Advocacy Advisement Program
Supportive Initiatives, cont’d. Peer Mediation Students as Teachers Family, Community, Business Partnerships Service Learning Extra and Co-curricular Activities Sports Programs
Supportive Structures Small Learning Community Alternative Scheduling Team Teaching Teacher Continuity School-based Enterprise Professional Learning Community
“In the years to come, your students may forget what you taught them. But they will always remember how you made them feel.”
You can’t teach kids you don’t know….
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