Mango Export Problems and Solutions By: By: Mahmood Nawaz Shah Sindh Abadgar Board Sindh Abadgar Board
Current Scenario About 1 million tons of Production. About 1 million tons of Production. Approximately 5% is exported. Approximately 5% is exported. 80% of that fetches one of the lowest prices. 80% of that fetches one of the lowest prices.
Problems Mango is highly perishable. Mango is highly perishable. 95% of production in 3 months. 95% of production in 3 months. Long Inefficient Supply Chain. Long Inefficient Supply Chain. Weak farm management and post harvest techniques. Weak farm management and post harvest techniques. No new varieties being introduced. No new varieties being introduced. No real value addition. No real value addition. No Institutional Support. No Institutional Support. Missing Infrastructure. Missing Infrastructure.
Producer: Low quality Low Yields Marketer: Low quality Low prices Low investment Producer: Low returns Low investments Vicious Cycle Vicious Cycle
Way Forward Understand Quality. Understand Quality. Reform Production Chain. Reform Production Chain. Institutional Support. Institutional Support. Introduce International Marketers Introduce International Marketers
Quality Quality of the product is that which satisfies the demands of the Quality of the product is that which satisfies the demands of themarketplace” Quality does not cost, it PAYS. Quality does not cost, it PAYS. Quality is dynamic and it is not static Quality is dynamic and it is not static High levels of quality attained through integration of processes. High levels of quality attained through integration of processes.
Production Chain Producer Producer Seller Seller Middle Man Middle Man Exporter Exporter
Integration Benefits Improve quality, from Soil to Consumer. Improve quality, from Soil to Consumer. Attain new requirements of HAACP, Eurepgap, WTO. Attain new requirements of HAACP, Eurepgap, WTO. Reduce Costs. Up to 35 percent Reduce Costs. Up to 35 percent
Integration Benefits Continued… Innovation will Increase. Innovation will Increase. Supply time will reduce. Best strategy Supply time will reduce. Best strategy Direct communication between Farmer and Exporter will result in production according to the demand of market. E.g.: sap removal in Mango. Direct communication between Farmer and Exporter will result in production according to the demand of market. E.g.: sap removal in Mango.
Integration Costs ! NOTHING NOTHING
How to Bell the cat ?? Recognize it. Recognize it. Create a model, implement a model. Create a model, implement a model. Let it trickle down………... Let it trickle down………...
Model Start with few exporters who export to Europe or any recognized food chains like Tesco. Start with few exporters who export to Europe or any recognized food chains like Tesco. With them few farms willing to participate. With them few farms willing to participate. Let them sign contracts. Create milestones. Work on details…. Let them sign contracts. Create milestones. Work on details…. Should be created by facilitators can be government, farmer organizations. Should be created by facilitators can be government, farmer organizations. Let there be special benefits for the participants to encourage. Let there be special benefits for the participants to encourage.
Institutional Support Infrastructure Infrastructure Talk of Horticulture, talk of rural area, what comes in mind Talk of Horticulture, talk of rural area, what comes in mind Backwardness Backwardness No roads No roads No telecommunication No telecommunication Electricity, other infrastructure Electricity, other infrastructure Security. Etc Etc. Security. Etc Etc. Infrastructure Infrastructure Talk of Horticulture, talk of rural area, what comes in mind Talk of Horticulture, talk of rural area, what comes in mind Backwardness Backwardness No roads No roads No telecommunication No telecommunication Electricity, other infrastructure Electricity, other infrastructure Security. Etc Etc. Security. Etc Etc.
Institutional Support Continued…. Four Major Government Agencies Four Major Government Agencies 1. Federal Ministry of Food & Agriculture. 2. Export Promotion Bureau. 3. Horticulture Export Board. 4. Provincial Ministry of Food & Agriculture. Trade Officers need to be trained in Marketing.
International Marketers/Brands Local companies or farms should have either joint venture or should acquire marketing expertise from recognized fruit marketers such Del monte. E.g: South American Banana. Local companies or farms should have either joint venture or should acquire marketing expertise from recognized fruit marketers such Del monte. E.g: South American Banana. Pakistani products will get strong brand name, marketing expertise(5 Ps), and may be investment. Pakistani products will get strong brand name, marketing expertise(5 Ps), and may be investment.
International Marketers Continued… May also think of value addition, like drying of mango, mango pulp, mango slices. Etc. May also think of value addition, like drying of mango, mango pulp, mango slices. Etc.
Conclusion The Mango exports can be doubled. The Mango exports can be doubled.