Journal 13 Using Rhythm in Poetry
Identify the rhythm in this line: Do not go gentle into that good night.
This rhythm is called Iambic Pentameter Do not- go gen - tle in- to that - good night Iambic: Unstressed syllable + Stressed Syllable Pentameter: Five feet (groups)
She sits in sol emn sil ence on a dock
I dream about some mac and cheese all night. Some kids in Af rica have e bola.
STEP 1- Write two lines of iambic pentameter introducing a character and a setting.
Step 2- Write two lines of iambic pentameter identifying what the character wants.
Step 3 Write two lines of iambic pentameter introducing a conflict, including something or someone that prevents the character from getting what he/she wants.
Step 4 Write two lines of iambic pentameter showing us what tactics the character uses to overcome the conflict. In other words: does he/she get what they want? How so?
Step 5 Write two lines of iambic pentameter revealing the resolution of the story. What is the fate or future of this character?
Return the notebook to the original writer. Read all ten lines. Are they in iambic pentameter? Identify which lines are off rhythm. Rewrite the ten lines correcting the rhythm.