8:08-8:30Students Arrive (Greet, Pledge, Lunch Count, Morning Message, Mr. Bear) 8:30-8:40Math Daily Routines 8:40-9:15Writer’s Workshop 9:15-10:15Literacy Work Job Stations and Guided Reading (some activities will involve integrated studies) 10:15-10:40Large Group Reading (Wonders Reading Program,Shared Reading/ Read Alouds) 10:40-10:55Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Word Wall, Vocabulary 10:55-11:15 11:15 –11:30 Lunch Recess 11:30 – 11:40Read Aloud (reading large group) Mr. Bear share
11:40- 11:55Handwriting 11:55- 12:00Movement Break 12:00- 1:00Math 1:00-1:05Movement Break 1:05-1:55SPECIALS (Science, Technology, Art, Music, P.E.) 2:00-2:15 2:15-2:45 2:40-2:50 2:50-2:53 Integrated Studies (Second Steps Social Skills, Social Studies, and Health) Plan-Do-Review Movement Break or Recess Get Ready to go home/Dismissal
SPECIALS 5 Day Rotation: -Science -Technology/Computers -Art -Music -P.E. **Media/Library: Not in the rotation. Each class has an assigned day that they will go to library on at 2:00.
Handwriting All letters begin with the prompt: “Start at the Top” The handout provided shows how we teach the correct letter strokes. Kindergarteners will use writing to communicate, use conventions, and write legibly.
Writer’s Workshop Writing curriculum Do mini lessons every day Students are encouraged to write stories every day. Kindergarten writing
McGraw Hill Wonders Reading Curriculum: District Objectives: Alphabet Knowledge Knowledge of Print Decoding Strategies/Phonological Awareness Vocabulary: Students will learn 40 high frequency words. Fluency Comprehension Skills District Reading Assessments (DRA’s) Reading levels A, 1, 2, 3, 4
Guided Reading Books Students will be placed in small reading groups. Students will be bringing home little reader books in bags from time to time to read to you. Please have them read it at home and then return it back to school the next day. Important to return because we have a limited number of books that we share among five kindergarten classes.
Math Math curriculum is called “Math Expressions.” Number Sense and Math Talk Math homework will be coming home every few days
3 Goals for Life I can take good care of myself even if I am mad. I can do something even if I don’t want to. I can be okay even if others are not. BIST Behavior Intervention Support Team Safe Seat Buddy Room Think Sheet
·ALL students will be greeted by a minimum of three different adults prior to starting the day in the classroom. ·Common area expectations are displayed.
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Recognizing Positive Behavioral Skills
Second Step The Second Step Curriculum is a social skills program. Students will learn how to focus, listen and interact with others. Home links will be sent in Friday Folders with activities to do at home. These do not need to be returned to school.
What is Bullying? Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending him or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over. Bullying may involve some of the following: Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically Spreading bad rumors about people Keeping certain people out of a “group” Teasing people in a mean way Getting certain people to “gang up” on others
Preventing Bullying Steps Taken at Cavett to Prevent Bullying Educate students and staff on bullying and strategies to prevent bullying. Teach the 5 steps to safely solve a problem (ignore, say stop, move away, move by an adult, ask an adult for help) Social worker may provide support to individual classrooms as needed. Social skills groups may be implemented if needed Supervision in common areas
Scoring 4, 3, 2, 1 Will be sent home at the end of each Quarter. ( Oct. 30th, Jan. 15th, March 24th and, May 19th) Parent Teacher Conferences (October 6 th & 8 th and March 1 st & 3 rd )
General Information Friday Folders: Need to be brought back to school on Monday. Please do not return notes/papers in the Friday Folders. Newsletters will be sent through about every 3 weeks. Book Orders No Birthday Treats Cold Lunch (Tell your child if you packed a drink or if they will need to buy a milk.)
You are welcome to come have lunch with your child. Please sign in and out at the Security Monitor’s desk. It is also helpful if your child knows whether to order a lunch or if you are bringing in food. The Kindergarten Teachers all teach the same curriculum, but may not do all the same activities.
Students will be the star for one week. A reminder note and directions will come home later. Thank you for all the volunteers that have signed up. Parents are always welcome to come visit the classroom.
Send notes Phone: Call # (402) Plan Time 1:05 – 1:55 Other Information: Cavett Website: Kindergarten Website: wp.lps.org/klangan/