Flipping and Blending to Build Fluency in a Math Class Melanie Anderson Teacher 6 th grade Moyock Middle, Currituck County School
Abstract For my action research students will view videos at home throughout the year and completing activities that correlate with classroom lessons or objectives to ensure the connection between home and classroom. This research will be conducted in my 6th grade Math class. My philosophy is that it is important to enhance student engagement, parental involvement and improve student achievement.
Noticed a Problem My students were not retaining previously taught concepts and skills in Math. This is a problem! How can I move them forward if I have to reteach last years’ Math skills? So I researched and researched.
Discovered a possible solution! But how can I pull this off? Decided on an Action Plan and off I went. Bravely skittishly and I am just crazy!
Area of Focus - Students will view a learning video at home and complete a short activity with the video. Then in the classroom students will complete activities and projects that corresponds with the learning video. The video will be accessible to the students for their viewing and reviewing whenever they need them.
About the Governor's Teacher Network The Governor's Teacher Network (GTN) was established by North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, in partnership with the NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). This initiative, funded by the state’s Race to the Top grant, provides a statewide platform for teachers to share their best work around instruction and professional development and help advance Race to the Top (RttT) funded educational remodeling efforts across the state. Through the GTN, approximately 450 outstanding teachers from across North Carolina were selected to serve for one year as instructional and professional development experts and facilitators. Network teachers remained in their current roles but worked to gain a deeper understanding of the State's RttT-funded work in one of two "pathways," both related to the establishment of Home Base. In Pathway 1, teachers created professional development sessions and materials (face- to-face, webinars and/or online content) to address classroom instructional needs and increase the PD offerings in the state-wide Professional Development system in Home Base. Projects were developed from action research performed in participating teachers' classrooms. This wiki represents the product of that action research and professional development.
WHY ARE INSTRUCTORS FLIPPING AND BLENDING THEIR CLASS? Students learn more deeply. As a result of students taking responsibility, interacting meaningfully and often with their instructor and peers, and getting and giving frequent feedback, they acquire a deeper understanding of the content and how to use it. Students are more active participants in learning. The student role shifts from passive recipient to active constructor of knowledge, giving them opportunities to practice using the intellectual tools of the discipline.
Interaction increases and students learn from one another. Students work together applying course concepts with guidance from the instructor. This increased interaction helps to create a learning community that encourages them to build knowledge together inside and outside the classroom. Instructors and students get more feedback. With more opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and therefore demonstrate their ability to use it, gaps in their understanding become visible to both themselves and the instructor.
Learning from the Flipped Classroom [Infographic] Posted on September 17, 2012 by Brent HannifySeptember 17, 2012Brent Hannify
The Purpose Build Fluency – from the video students are able to view and review skills Easy way to Differentiate a)Small groups b)Learning stations Students can move forward Quizzes or tests can be given at different times
How did this work for ME? It took some adjusting for the students. – Some watched the video at home – Some didn’t do homework (yes we have those) – Some could not figure out how to work the technology It took some adjusting for me also. – I had to rethink my way of teaching – I had to prepare my videos. – I had to stop interruptions from others. Parental awareness was lacking.
What did I do about it!!! First Realization – I had to ease into it. – Make videos for review of previously taught skills – Make videos for new concepts when time permitted
What did I do about it!!! Second determination – Teach students how to access and downloads the videos – If students did not watch them at home then they watched them in class while their peers moved forward. – Contacted parents.
What did I do about it!!! Third Allow myself to fail. – Then tried again with a different approach. – Remembered I could differentiate. – Remembered I could use videos from other sources.
A few video examples.
The data collected showed that 87% of my students valued the videos as a learning tool. After comparing results between pretest and post test, there was a 64% over all average of an increase in grades from pretest to post test.
The Outcome Comparisons to pretest and post test. There was a 64% average increase in scores. Students stated that the videos helped them to improve their grade. Differentiation – Some students would take the assessment before others then watch a video to move on to the next concept. Student who were struggling would re-watch the video and complete additional practice. I would monitor and guide as needed to both groups.
I like when it is you talking in the videos. Ayden B. I can move forward without waiting on others. Lilly N. Sometimes I find another video to watch too that goes along with yours. Tyler S. Quotes from my students.
The Outcome Having the videos helped during our inclement weather days. I would share the video with the students along with a practice sheet. Students would share their answers in return and I would check their work. I had 48% participation.
Students in Action
In summary, students responded well to watching the videos and overall student performance was increased.
Thank you for attending. I hope today’s presentation has inspired you to try Flipping and Blending your Classroom. Good Luck! My - Or