Act I journal The following is to be answered in your Journal. Label as Journal Journal #1 – November 19 After Scene 1: Do you believe there are people who can see into the future? Have you had a premonition that came true? Explain. Journal journal #2 – November 19. Due tomorrow. After Reading Act 1: Make a judgment about the following characters – use evidence from the play for each: ◦Macbeth, Duncan, Lady Macbeth, Banquo
Journal – In your journal or notebook Shakespeare is able to generate interest in a minor character very quickly and these characters can quickly show us something about the play’s major characters, events, or themes. Journal about the impact of oLady Macduff and her son in Scene 2. ◦What makes you care about them so quickly? ◦How do they affect your response to Macbeth?
After Act I Label the following: Journal Journal #3: Be a Man. November 20 ◦What is “a man”? The idea of what it is to be ‘a man’ runs through the play. Make a list of 8 – 12 qualities that you think ‘a man’ should possess.
Act I Questions 1. Macbeth says, "Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires." What are Macbeth's desires? 2. After Lady Macbeth reads the letter, what does she tell us is her opinion of Macbeth, and how does she plan to help him? 3. What is Lady Macbeth's "prayer" to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming"? 4. What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home? 5. What are Macbeth's arguments to himself against killing Duncan? 6. What arguments does Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to commit the murder? 7. What is Lady Macbeth's plan?
Act I Activity With a partner: Seven Headlines ◦Write a newspaper headline for each of the seven scenes in Act I. Choose your type of newspaper: serious, sensational, biased, unbiased, etc., and stick to that style.
After Act II journal Journal Journal #3 November 25 Think back to the Shakespearian Five Part plot structure I showed you. Act II is called “Rising Action.” Describe what this means using Macbeth.
Act III Pre-journal Journal journal #4: Macbeth is now king. What type of ruler will he be? What other “steps must he o’erleap” to be a successful leader?
Act III journal Macbeth is a play that can be set in any setting, any time period. Pretend you are the director of a modern version. Discuss your creative choice for one of the following: ◦The Witches (please do not choose nurses) ◦Macbeth/Lady Macbeth ◦The ‘job’ of Macbeth
Before Act IV journal Label journal journal #4 “War? Huh. What is it good for?”: Is all fair in love and war? Are there rules of combat we should follow or will people always do whatever it takes to get what they want?
Act IV journal Label journal journal #4: Shakespeare is able to generate interest in a minor character very quickly and these characters can quickly show us something about the play’s major characters, events, or themes. Journal about the impact of Lady Macduff and her son in Scene 2. ◦What makes you care about them so quickly? ◦How do they affect your response to Macbeth?