December Calendar Journal Topics Ms. S. Hines 7 th grade ELA
Journal Entries should include the following: Title (be creative) Date A good topic sentence (hook your audience.) Three or more complete sentences (be descriptive) A good clincher/concluding sentence (let your audience know you are finished but do not write “the end.”) Use descriptive words (use adjectives) Remember to include capital letters and ending punctuation marks.
December Calendar Journal Topics (Routine Writing) MondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday 9 What do you think about the amount of violence on T.V. and in video games? 10 What do you think should be done to keep people who are under the influence of alcohol/drugs off the road? In other words, what should be done to keep people from driving drunk? 11 What do you think are the top three things Griffin Middle School needs to improve or make better? 12 What do you think every parent/guardian should know about raising a 7 th grader? (think about things you feel they do not understand) 13 What do you think about recycling? Should everyone be made to recycle? 16 What do you think about students having cell phones/devices here at GMS? 17 What do you think are the top three things that stress out middle school students? 18 What do you think about illegal immigrants not having health care/insurance? 19 What do you think is the most important subject in school? 20 What do you think is the most important thing/tradition that families should do during the winter holidays? Name: ______________________________ ELA 7-______ Group #: _____ Total Point Received: ____ I can write routinely for a shorter period of time (first 10 minutes of class) expressing my opinion on many different topics. (W.7.10) Directions: Place this handout in the “Calendar Journal” section of your binder. Beginning this month, you will write all of your entries in the notebook located in your binder. If you do not have a notebook, use loose leaf paper BUT place each entry in the “Calendar Journal” section of your binder. Journal expectations are located on the back of this handout.. Due date: 12/20/13. (Total points: 10)