December Journal !!
Table of continents 1.) Provide your vital statistics… 2.) What do you like least about math… 3.) What do you like best about math… 4.) Make a time table of your day from the time you wake up until you go to bed. 5.) Write a letter to last year’s math teacher telling how you are doing in math.
Provide your vital statistics… My height is about 5/7 I am 101 pounds ( I'm tall and strong !! ) My shoe size is 9 woman I am 12 I just turned 12 I will be 13 on December 3th 2012
What I like least about math… I really don’t like the math game folder at ALL I think it’s worthless. My parents don’t want to play and my sister and brothers don’t want to play too! You need to think it might be fun to some of the students ( not me ) but not all the parents. My parents think its ridiculous and a waste of trees. I'm a tree huger
What I like best about math… What I really like about math is the math games we play on the computer. Its easy and fun. The reason I like it so much is because it takes my mind off everything I can finally think about something else. You an play with someone else or just yourself. It can really be helpful when you need help with your math and when you don’t really know what your doing in math I think its really helpful and I think we need more time to do that in that.
A Letter To My 5 th Grade Teacher Dear Mrs. Olkowski, This year has been great year. My teacher is really nice and I am having lots of fun seeing my friends again. I'm getting good grades. I has been a blast. Working with you is funnier but Ms.Petrucci is also fun. I'm happy with my grades and really trying hard to do better. I really miss you -Nicole Morgan