Do Now Predict ways in which the Church will react to the new ideals of the Renaissance. – Positive? Negative? Why?
Setting the Stage Renaissance = Individual Shift toward secular Printing Press spreads ideas
The Church Corruption Clergy are flawed – Priests – Popes Patron of Arts Extravagant lifestyles Concerned with worldly matters – Marriage, drinking, gambling, Greed
Key People Wycliffe & Hus challenge papal power – Christ is head of Church – Seek guidance in the Bible Erasmus & More call for reform – Christian humanists – What must society do to achieve “Utopia”
Roots of Reform Germany Independent kingdoms No central authority Difficult to impose papal power Merchants and kings refuse to pay Church taxes
Martin Luther Lawyer turned clergy Spoke out against Church Indulgence Johann Tetzel 95 Theses – Castle church at Wittenberg – 1517 A.D. Work was copied by printing press and distributed throughout Germany
Luther’s Reforms Based on 3 major ideas – Salvation through faith and God’s forgiveness – Church teaching based solely on Bible – People were equals (priests did not need to interpret the Bible for you)
Church Response Initially seen as insignificant Support ^ = Church concern ^ 1520 A.D. Pope Leo X threatens excommunication and eventually does H.R.E. Charles V detains Luther and wants him to recant but Luther does not German princes and Holy Roman Emperor divided on Luther – Luther is decreed an outlaw and heretic
Supported Frederick the Wise of Saxony supports and grants refuge Luther translates Bible into vernacular (German) Peasant adopt ideas – Lutherans Peasant revolt – Luther disagrees
Conflict Princes agree to resist Luther’s teaching – Supporters protest this agreement – Protestants – non-catholic Charles V goes to war with Protestant princes Wins but princes refuse to re-enter Catholic Church Calls all princes to a meeting in Augsburg – Peace of Augsburg – Princes can decide religion of each state
Activity Group Discussion (Groups of 5) Address the following questions: – To what extent, has Martin Luther’s influence had an effect on world history? – Has Luther influenced your life in any way? – What major ideas of the Renaissance has Luther exemplified?
Homework Pg. 494 questions 1, 2, 3, and 4.