Transition Education and Services for Students with Disabilities Patricia L. Sitlington & Gary M. Clark
Grades K-8 in the Transition Process- A Critical Foundation C H A P T E R F O U R
Pertinent History 1991 Position Paper 1996 Position Paper
A Case for Filling the Gap, K-8 Definition of Transition A Look at the Early Childhood Transition Mandate Importance of Parents and Families Students in the Transition Gap
Elementary and Middle School Transitions Middle school was designed to be a better transition for elementary students than junior high school. Transition can be overwhelming for students with disabilities.
Transition Education and Services, K-8 Identify future environment or planning areas List priority needs, interests, & preferences Prepare the student for the IEP process Develop the transition plan with linkages Implement, monitor and review
Strategies for Integrating Transition Education in Grades K-8 Grades K-4 Transition Strategies Include Who I am & What will I be activities Discuss how adults work & occupations Discuss vocations/careers from readings Select a student of the week & have that person do a personal bulletin board Discuss interests & talents & preferences Plan field trips or include career info Use guest speakers
Strategies for Integrating Transition Education in Grades K-8 Grades 5-8 transition strategies Service-oriented projects Job shadow for a day Research/study different careers Use the internet Guest speakers Content-subject related careers Visit CTC or other career programs Use work opportunities in the school
Self-Determination Development in Grades K-8