SWaNI Project Update Report April 2003
Project Outcomes Under review, might not all be possible in conjunction with Skillnet or SITS Interoperability between college library/learning resources/catalogue system will not be achieved in the lifetime of the project (will be implemented later)
Performance against project aims and objectives Interoperability between VLE system (Skillnet) and SRS (SITS). Working with the VLE vendor to propagate student enrolments across all of the necessary domains by creating a central staging point for student records (central database server). Looking at storing system user information as XML that conforms to LIP specification.
Performance against project aims and objectives Interoperability between VLE system and content repositories. Work underway on converting our existing Intranet content repository to a system that is capable of handling learning objects that conform approximately to the Dublin Core spec for learning objects. Working with the VLE vendor to ensure integration of locally hosted content into the VLE system whilst retaining the actual files on our own server
Performance against project aims and objectives Interoperability between Library/Learning Resources/Catalogue systems. Developing a method of entering learning resource information in the central Intranet database, logging learning resource information within the VLE and presenting this information within the VLE as a link/query to resource definition on central database.
Performance against project aims and objectives Use IMS content management specification to achieve interoperability between content and VLE system. Working towards content that can be aggregated into combined packages with auto-generated XML manifest document using indexing information already stored within the Intranet system allowing aggregated content to be passed to the VLE runtime environment. (Not yet achieved)
Performance against project aims and objectives Integration of off line registration into a VLE using IMS specifications. Attempting automatic propagation of VLE access from student enrolment process.
Specifications Content Packaging Learning Resource Meta-Data (Dublin Core Subset) LIP 1.0
Project Update On target at this time, working on prototyping (user account propagation). Work underway on content repository and related services. Working towards defining a clear method for VLE access licensing management. Final revision of use cases have been completed
System Testing The input of data into the MIS system must be carried across accurately and consistently to the central database Changes made to the MIS data must be propagated accurately Students must get a consistent allocation of online courses, determined by their allocated course code User logging onto Skillnet from college intranet must have their user details carried across automatically and logged on
System Testing contd. Details of courses undertaken by a user must be propagated to the central database to allow interrogation by college systems All data which updates or inserts into the central database must be accurate at all times, and logs of incomplete transactions must be recorded Users which are enrolled using fast enrolment at an outreach centre must gain access to Skillnet and the Intranet instantly and the data should accurately tie up with the user record once it has been inserted into the MIS Skillnet and the college intranet should be error free and consistent in use
Project Deliverables Final Project Report detailing development practice, specification feedback and product evaluation. Working College Intranet system that integrates with VLE (to some extent). Virtual Learning Environment. Disseminating web site.
Project Problems/Setbacks Late Intranet development. Late Skillnet demo delivery. Lack of resource allocation.
Vendor Issues Good support Distance Problems Lack of communication on our part, led to an imbalance at the start of the project