Software Components Creational Patterns
Types of design patterns Design patterns can be (roughly) grouped into three categories: Creational patterns Constructing objects Structural patterns Controlling the structure of a class Behavioral patterns Deal with how the object behaves
Creational patterns Design patterns that deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation Make a system independent of the way in which objects are created, composed and represented
Creational Patterns Patterns used to abstract the process of instantiating objects. class-scoped patterns uses inheritance to choose the class to be instantiated Factory Method object-scoped patterns uses delegation Abstract Factory Builder Prototype Singleton
Factory Method Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. e.g., app framework factory method
Factory Method Pattern Problem You want a type to create another related type polymorphically E.g., a container should create appropriate begin and end iterators Context Each type knows which related type it should create Solution core Polymorphic creation E.g., declare abstract method that derived classes override E.g., provide traits and common interface as in the STL (what we’ll use) Consequences Type that’s created matches type(s) it’s used with E.g., appropriately positioned deque<Security *>::iterators are produced by the deque<Security *> begin() and end() methods
class Book : public Product { }; class Computer : public Product class ProductFactory public: virtual Product* Make(int type) switch (type) case 0: return new Book(); case 1: return new Computer(); [...] }
Abstract Factory
Abstract Factory Intent: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes
Abstract Factory Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. The real-world example demonstrates the creation of different animal worlds for a computer game using different factories. Although the animals created by the Continent factories are different, the interactions among the animals remain the same.
Abstract Factory: An Example Manage addresses and phone numbers You hard-coded it for Egypt data At some point, you wanted to extend it to incorporate any address / phone number So you subclassed DutchAddress, JapanesePhoneNumber, etc. But now, how do you create them?
Abstract Factory Example Your company supplies a product which will be resold by several different vendors. The vendor may not want your company name and logo displayed, but instead their name and logo. Abstract Factory could be used to create various objects with the appropriate text and logo shown in the user interface.
Abstract Factory
Abstract Factory: Participants AbstractFactory Declares an interface for operations that create abstract products ConcreteFactory Implements the operations to create concrete product objects: usually instantiated as a Singleton AbstractProduct Declares an interface for a type of product object; Concrete Factories produce the concrete products ConcreteProduct Defines a product object to be created by the corresponding concrete factory
Pizza Factory Example this time more simple and easier to understand, is the one of a pizza factory, which defines method names and returns types to make different kinds of pizza. The abstract factory can be named AbstractPizzaFactory, RomeConcretePizzaFactory and MilanConcretePizzaFactory being two extensions of the abstract class. The abstract factory will define types of toppings for pizza, like pepperoni, sausage or anchovy, and the concrete factories will implement only a set of the toppings, which are specific for the area and even if one topping is implemented in both concrete factories, the resulting pizzas will be different subclasses, each for the area it was implemented in
abstract class AbstractProductA{ public abstract void operationA1(); public abstract void operationA2(); } class ProductA1 extends AbstractProductA{ ProductA1(String arg){ System.out.println("Hello "+arg); } // Implement the code here public void operationA1() { }; public void operationA2() { };
class ProductA2 extends AbstractProductA{ ProductA2(String arg){ System.out.println("Hello "+arg); } // Implement the code here public void operationA1() { }; public void operationA2() { }; }
abstract class AbstractProductB{ //public abstract void operationB1(); //public abstract void operationB2(); } class ProductB1 extends AbstractProductB{ ProductB1(String arg){ System.out.println("Hello "+arg); } // Implement the code here
class ProductB2 extends AbstractProductB{ ProductB2(String arg){ System.out.println("Hello "+arg); } // Implement the code here }
abstract class AbstractFactory{ abstract AbstractProductA createProductA(); abstract AbstractProductB createProductB(); } class ConcreteFactory1 extends AbstractFactory{ AbstractProductA createProductA(){ return new ProductA1("ProductA1"); AbstractProductB createProductB(){ return new ProductB1("ProductB1");
class ConcreteFactory2 extends AbstractFactory{ AbstractProductA createProductA(){ return new ProductA2("ProductA2"); } AbstractProductB createProductB(){ return new ProductB2("ProductB2");
//Factory creator - an indirect way of instantiating the factories class FactoryMaker{ private static AbstractFactory pf=null; static AbstractFactory getFactory(String choice){ if(choice.equals("a")){ pf=new ConcreteFactory1(); }else if(choice.equals("b")){ pf=new ConcreteFactory2(); } return pf; }
// Client public class Client{ public static void main(String args[]){ AbstractFactory pf=FactoryMaker.getFactory("a"); AbstractProductA product=pf.createProductA(); //more function calls on product }
Consequences 1. Concrete class isolation (Good) Client does not interact with the implementation classes Client only manipulates instances through the abstract interfaces
Consequences 2. Product families easily exchanged (Good) Only have to change the concrete factory Can be done at run time
Consequences 3. Products are more consistent (Good) Helps the products in each product family consistently be applied together (assuming they work well together) Only one family at a time
Consequences 4. Difficult to support new kinds of products (Bad) Extending existing abstract factories to make new products is difficult and time consuming The family of products available is fixed by Abstract Factory interface
Builder Intent Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations
Builder: Collaborations Client creates Director object and configures it with a Builder Director notifies Builder to build each part of the product (as it interprets the external format) Builder handles requests from Director and adds parts to the product Client retrieves product from the Builder
Builder: Applicability Use Builder when: The algorithm for creating a complex object should be independent of the parts that make up the object and how they’re assembled The construction process must allow different representations for the object being constructed The building process can be broken down into discrete steps (difference between Builder and Abstract Factory)
Builder: Participants Builder Specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object ConcreteBuilder Constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface Director Constructs an object using the Builder interface Product Represents the complex object under construction Includes classes that define the constituent parts Gives interfaces for assem- bling the parts Builder: The abstract class of all workers Concrete Builder: A specific worker Director: The boss Product: The car
Implementation Issues Builder needs a very general interface Builder(s) may need access to a variety of components No abstract product class (products are too different, commonly)
Consequences 1. Varying a product’s internal representation (Good) The Director doesn’t see the product’s construction, only the Builder does
Consequences 2. Isolates code for construction and representation (Good) The Client only retrieves the product The Client doesn’t know anything about the internal construction of the product Question: Multiple directors?
Consequences 3. Step by step construction (Good?) The Client only retrieves the product The Client doesn’t know anything about the internal construction of the product Question: Multiple directors?
Singleton Do we need to limit the no of objects of a class
Singleton Intent: Applicability: Ensure that a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it Applicability: There must be exactly one instance of a class, and it must be accessible to clients from a well-known access point When the sole instance should be extensible by subclassing, and clients should be able to use an extended instance without modifying their code
Singleton Pattern Problem Context Solution core Consequences Want to ensure a single instance of a class, that’s shared by all uses throughout a program (e.g., the Portfolio) Context Need to address initialization versus usage ordering Solution core Provide a global access method (static member function) First use of the access method instantiates the class Constructors for instance can be hidden (made private) Can hide destructor too if a “fini” method is also provided Consequences Object is never created if it’s never used Object is shared efficiently among all uses
Prototype Pattern Intent Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype
Prototype Pattern Applicability System must be independent of how products are created, composed, and represented (usually true of Creational patterns) AND Classes to instantiate are specified at run-time To avoid building a class hierarchy of factories for a class hierarchy of products Instances of classes have only a few different combinations of state
Prototype Pattern Structure
Prototype Pattern Participants Prototype – declares an interface for cloning itself ConcretePrototype – implements an operation for cloning itself Client – creates a new object by asking a prototype for a clone of itself
Prototype Pattern Problem Context Solution core Consequences Need to duplicate objects with different dynamic types Context Virtual constructors are not available (e.g., in C++) However, polymorphic method invocations are supported Solution core Provide a polymorphic method that returns an instance of the same type as the object on which the method is called Polymorphic method calls copy constructor, returns base class pointer or reference to concrete derived type Consequences Emulates virtual copy construction behavior Allows anonymous duplication of heterogeneous types
Example Maze Game
Maze example Building a maze for a computer game A maze is a set of rooms A room knows its neighbours Another room A wall A door
Maze classes
Creating Mazes public class MazeGame { public static void main(String args[]) { Maze m = new MazeGame().createMaze(); } public Maze createMaze() { Room r1 = new Room(1); Room r2 = new Room(2); Door d = new Door(r1,r2); r1.setSide(Direction.North, new Wall()); r1.setSide(Direction.East, d); r1.setSide(Direction.West, new Wall()); r1.setSide(Direction.South, new Wall()); r2.setSide(Direction.North, new Wall()); r2.setSide(Direction.West, d); r2.setSide(Direction.East, new Wall()); r2.setSide(Direction.South, new Wall()); Maze m = new Maze(); m.addRoom(r1); m.addRoom(r2); return m; d r1 r2
Creational Patterns If createMaze() calls virtuals to construct components Factory Method If createMaze() is passed a parameter object to create rooms, walls, Abstract Factory If createMaze() is passed a parameter object to create and connect-up mazes Builder If createMaze is parameterized with various prototypical rooms, doors, walls, … which it copies and then adds to the maze Prototype Need to ensure there is only one maze per game, and everybody can access it, and can extend or replace the maze without touching other code. Singleton
Potential Patterns Virtual functions instead of constructors for Rooms Doors Walls Make a subclass of MazeGame to redefine these functions Factory Method
Potential Patterns CreateMaze is passed an object as a parameter, which is used to change the classes used to make Rooms Doors Walls Abstract Factory
Potential Patterns CreateMaze is passed an object that can create a maze all by itself, then you can use inheritance to change parts of the maze: Rooms Doors Walls Builder
Potential Patterns CreateMaze is parameterized by various prototypical: Rooms Doors Walls You can replace these prototypical objects with different ones to change the maze Prototype