CONFLUENCE – INDO PAK Meet’05 Organized by IEEE Student Branch,JMI ( 30 th June – 02 nd July’05 ) Total Attendees : 200 Students International Participants: 21 Delegates from National University of Computer & Emerging Science, Lahore Participating Colleges : DCE, NSIT,IIT,IGIT, Amity, Maharaja Agarsen, JIIT, IITM Gwalior etc. SSVR Support from R10 Venue: Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia
Vision…… The first of its kind international meet organized by an IEEE Delhi section branch. Intermingling of cultures and technical acumen, hence building cordial relations between India and Pakistan at the University level. A gesture of gratitude in return for the excellent hospitality offered by the students and faculty members of NUCES during SOFTEC ‘05 – All Asia IT Competition and Exhibition organized by NUCES in March’05.
Distinguished Guests Chief Guest: Dr. Shakeel Ahmad,Minister of State for Communication & Information Technology Keynote Speaker: Mr. Rajeev Narayan, Head - Corporate Communications, Moser baer Distinguished Speaker Dr.R.C Triparthi – Director Intellectual Properties Rights, IT Ministry Dr. Kothari – IIT Director
Theme: “Emerging Trends in ICT (Information and Communications Technology)” Dates: 15 th to 17 th September 2006 Venue: New Delhi Other Dates: Submission of abstract:March 31, 2006 Intimation of acceptance: April 30, 2006 Submission of final paper: July 31, 2006 Last date for Registration (for at least one author to ensure publication):August 31, 2006 Conference Convener:Daman Dev Sood The Conference will have a mix of Tutorials and Paper Presentations
The Conference will focus on topics related to, but not limited to Communication Systems Fiber Optics and Optical Communication Mobile Technologies Biomedical Systems Signal Processing Computer Communication Networks Pervasive Computing Grid Computing Computational Intelligence and Robotics Software Engineering Nano-technology Geographic Information Systems IT Security Cyber Crime Risk Management Ethics in Corporates Standards IT in Agriculture ICT and Social Development Electronic Document Management Outsourcing Trends Offshoring Trends
Proposal for Partial Financial Support for Pre-Conference Tutorials in April 2006 Background –2006 IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, India, April 10 to 12, 2006 –Technical Sessions in eight areas of Power Engineering discipline –The very first day (April 10) will have the following tutorials in parallel: Power System Planning and Operation under Restructured Scenario Grid Disturbance, Remedial Measures & Restoration
Proposal for Partial Financial Support for Pre-Conference Tutorials in April 2006 Requirement: –Power Engineering Society likely to provide two Distinguished Lecturers taking care of expenses for their international travel –50 participants targeted for each tutorial –To attract Student Members, they are being of normal fee (INR1,000 / USD25 per head) –To meet the boarding and lodging expenses for the two Speakers, there will be a requirement of USD500 –Almost similar amount for the subsidy to be given for the Student Members numbering 20% –Thus the total requirement works out to USD1,000
Proposal for Partial Financial Support for Pre-Conference Tutorials in April 2006 Background –2006 IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, India, April 10 to 12, 2006 –Technical Sessions in eight areas of Power Engineering discipline –The very first day (April 10) will have the following tutorials in parallel: Power System Planning and Operation under Restructured Scenario Grid Disturbance, Remedial Measures & Restoration