ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 1/6 Annual Meeting Department of Computer Science - University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland, UK Günther Ruhe UNIVERSITY of CALGARY
ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 2/6 University of Calgary U of C is the most research-intensive university in Alberta and among the top 10 in Canada Research funding exceeds $134.5 million per year 16 faculties with more than 60 academic departments Employs about 1,900 academic and 2,400 support staff Serves 30,000 students registered in degree programs and another 20,000 in continuing education programs.
ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 3/6 SERN at U of C : Organization and Objectives Organization: Joint venture of the - Department of Computer Science and the - Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the U of C. Objectives of SERN are to establish: A centre of excellence in research and development concerned with the knowledge flows and processes underlying the software life cycle; Research and graduate training activities that will develop highly qualified personnel in industrial software development; An organizational infrastructure at the University of Calgary supporting a long-term program of university-industry collaborative research on software development.
ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 4/6 SERN Research Areas & Research Approach Research Areas Requirements engineering (A.Eberlein) Agend-based software development (B.H. Far) Object-Oriented software development (R. Kremer) Web-based software development (F. Maurer) Software engineering decision making (G. Ruhe) Measurement (M. Smith) Component-based software engineering (Y. Wang) Research Approach Model building Measurement Empirical evaluation of results
ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 5/6 Proposals for Future Work Development of a methodology guidebook for how to design and analyze empirical studies ISERN data base with measurment data and procise definition/classification of the experiment Inclusion of simulation as an additional source to get insight ("experiments in virtual world supplementing or predecessing experiments in real world") New topics of experimental work: Component-based software development Empirical studies into how to coordinate distributed development teams Empirical case-study comparing productivity of XP and "normal“ development processes
ISERN 2001, Glasgow, 20th – 22nd August 2001 Slide 6/6 Contact Person More than five years deputy director at Fh IESE Emphasis on methodological research: Special issue in IJSEKE on "Analysis of Empirical SE Data“ Area Editor for Software Engineering Decision- Making to IJSEKE Conducting experiments Teaching Grad courses on SE measurement and SE decision-making Graduate course on ESE an University of Oulu Actively involved in proposal for the European 5 th Framework ESERNET project