Harnessing S&T for Africa’s Development: the role of ICT Barry Dwolatzky Professor School of Electrical & Information Engineering, Wits University Director: Joburg Centre for Software Engineering
Primary wealth-creating assets 200 years ago: Land and Labour Past 200 years: Capital and Energy Present: Information and Knowledge Recent technological developments have transformed wealth-creating work from physically-based to “knowledge-based”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa After years of being an information and communication technology laggard relative to other developing regions of the world, Africa has been pushed to the forefront in a new information revolution, thanks to mobile communications. This period has also witnessed considerable mobility in the information and communication technology rankings of different African nations. As an analytical framework, the “digital divide” does not accurately describe what is happening on the continent and may lead to policy choices that are harmful to Africa’s future. Tim Kelly Head: Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva,
Challenges facing ICT in Africa Indigenous versus imported technology – both hardware and software Competing on a “flat world” ICT Research Capacity – there are fewer ICT professors in Africa than in a medium-sized US university Developing appropriate skills – multi-skilled experts
From Prof Marwala’s presentation Areas Critical for Africa’s Development : ICT Connectivity We are already making great strides. New international links + mobile Computing Cloud Computing (with good connectivity) offers solution Internet Mobile Internet
From Prof Marwala’s presentation (continued) Areas Critical for Africa’s Development : ICT Broadband Much still to be done Digitization ???? Computational/Artificial intelligence Indigenous R&D needed Outsourcing Need to compete on reliability and quality Call centres Huge opportunity – but progress is being made
Another huge opportunity “Smart Grid” Traditional Power Grids designed to carry energy Bring large amount of information onto the grid Offers great prospects of using energy more efficiently Can discover “African Solutions” to this global challenge