ADVERSITING Nowadays, advertising which is a perfect promotion methods, has an old history.
WHAT IS ADVERSITING ? Advertising, goods, services or ideas to a wide audience and be embraced, the introduction of fee, is presented in an impersonal manner.
AIM OF ADVERTISING Advertising plays a big role in marketing and it has some specific aims, these are; 1.Introducing the new products to market or entering new market segments. 2.Enable to using of new products from wide audience. 3.Create a company image and sustain company loyalty. 4.Introduce to features of products to company, as a result of this help the seller.
5. To protect level of customer wishes, change the times and number of products. 6. To reach person who seller does not reach these audience. 7. To correct the bias, wrong and negative approaches. 8. To educate the customers.
Advertising is directly related with 5 basic communication functions 1.Give an information 2.To convince 3.Remind 4.Value added 5.To support
Classification of Advertising According to advertising these steps are highly important 1.On account of content of advertising Product advertisement Company advertisement 2. On account of target group Advertisement about customers Advertisement about intermediary
3. On account of geographical Regional advertisement National advertisement International advertisement 4. Terms used tools Press verbal advertisement Print media advertisement Mail advertisement Outdoor advertisement Advertising on the internet
BASIC ADVERTISING TOOLS AND CHOOSING TOOLS These tools consist of 5 groups which they are used for reaching target audiences. 1.Radio, TV which are sightly tools 2.Newspapers, magazines which are the press tools 3.Post advertising tools 4.Posters and banners 5.Internet
CHOOSING OF ACVERTISEMENT TOOLS In this topic, all companies follow the target customer groups and target marketings. During these transactions, we took some considerations. These are; 1.Spesific target with advertising 2.Budget to these transactions 3.Features of customers 4.Capability of advertising tools
ADVERTISING PLAN AND MESSAGE Advertising Plan: Advertising manager or designated responsible fow works to be done to achieve spesific objectives within the framework of a particular plan should be executed. Advertising manager helps to organize to advertising plan in a coordinated way. Advertising Message: Located in advertising texts, images and shapes that you want to convey the idea to the customer and is news.
MEASURING THE ACTIVITY OF ADVERTISING Advertising on the objectives set in the plan have been achieved and in what way to determine whether achieved. The effect of sales Communication impact There are three opinions of this topic Economical opinions Social opinion Legal opinion OPINIONS OF ADVERTISING
PUBLIC RELATIONS What is public relations? A business or organization in the community about their good relations with the various interest groups and community development by prouding information on useful activities is an effort to maintain these relationships.
FUNCTIONS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS 1.Media relations 2.Products promotion 3.With various sectors of local, national and international development 4.Lobbying 5.Good relationships with workers 6.Crisis management
TYPES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS 1.Institutional 2.Marketing 3.Introduction 4.Sponsorship
TOOLS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND SOME OF THESE EXAMPLES 1.News 2.Speeches 3.Private event ( media tours, conference) 4.Written media meterials 5.Works of introducing new products 6.Educating of customers 7.Inserting of products
EXAMPLES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Coca – Cola comes with private formula Cars of the Year in Turkey The best car of the year, which OPEL brand has the car is named ‘INSIGNIA’ Bank of Turkey’s have greate value in this year.
KEY WORDS Audience: kitle, kesim, çoğunluk Embraced: kapsamak Manner: tutum Presented: sunmak,sunulmuş olan Enable: sağlamak Sustain: başarılı bir şekilde sürdürmek Features: özellikleri Wish: istek, arzu Seller: satıcı Educate: eğitmek Convince: ikna etmek Remind: hatırlatmak
Support: desteklemek Company: şirket Customers: müşteri, tüketici Legal: hukuk Various: çeşitli Development: gelişim Maintain: sürdürmek Effort: çaba göstermek Tool: araç Choose: seçim Target: hedef Transactions: işlem Capability: yetenek
Topic: konu, başlık Shapes: şekil Budget: bütçe Executed: oluşmak İmpact: etki Value: değer Fee: ücret