ESA Report to CMC ESA / ESTEC, 5th November 2009 Mario Merri (deputising JFK / NPESA CCSDS Delegate)
Importance of Standardisation, IOAG, IOP in ESA Engineering Standardisation is considered strategic for ESA to Reduce technical risks in space / ground systems and operations Reduce cost of space / ground segment systems and operations Allow interoperability within and across organizations Increase competitiveness of European Industry Establish the baseline for the development of the ESA ground segment infrastructure Maintain the leadership in space / ground segment systems and operations and avoid insurgence of undesired standards ESA participation in IOAG is now spread through ESA Presentation at ESA Standardisation Steering Board ESSB was done some months ago Role of IOAG / IOP exposed to ESA DB (Director Board) and ESSB D/OPS has now the mandate to represent the interest of Program Directorates (consultation, coordination, direct involvement) ESA position in IOAG concerning standards is to be endorsed by ESSB (coordinated at ECSS level if needed) CCSDS is not subordinated to IOAG IOAG is addressing more than standards (e.g. operation cross support) CCSDS is addressing other standards than those contemplated by IOAG
ESA specific statements ESA is supporting CCSDS all main areas of Engineering Standardization: Interoperable On-board / Ground Interfaces Highly Efficient Communications Mission Operations Services Data Interchange and Archiving Services System Engineering Software Engineering 35 staff / industrial support at CCSDS ESA / ESTEC Meeting ESA believes that more effort needs to be put in SM&C, SOIS and Architectures/Models a new Catalogue 3 (MO Services) to be defined, once Catalogue 1 and 2 are agreed with IOAG
ESA specific statements ESA is convinced that ECSS PUS Standard will enrich the CCSDS suite allowing non European Agencies its use as a recognised international recommended standard Therefore ESA will recommend the creation of a WG under the MOIMS Area ESA 2009 resources for CCSDS activities have been slightly reduced (ca. 20%), but ESA is also supporting CCSDS work via its Technology Programmes, e.g. Ground Architecture to support CFDP, DTN, IP Space Internetworking protocols Data Handling System – Application plug & Play, etc
ESA Issues / Concerns Lack of CCSDS based model and Reference Architecture (i.e. the Super BOF) Condition: Way forward is agreed by all Agencies Different approaches to solve the same type of problems across areas (e.g. SM&C GB and DTN GB) CCSDS is publishing more MBs / GBs than BBs SW libraries / demos implementing standards shall be freely available