MAEviz as a MAE/NCSA Cyberenvironment Partnership Jim Myers Associate Director NCSA Cyberenvironments
Leveraging Expertise and Cyberinfrastructure MAEViz has been developed faster and is more effective due to its incorporation of –Design concepts, –Lessons learned, and –Software components developed through a focused effort to understand virtual organizations and to develop domain-independent infrastructure.
Workflow, Provenance, RDF “Understanding the Scientific Basis of Decisions is Critical” Process Aware Discover Process Capture Execute Report
“Developing a Scenario requires a wide range of expertise” Group Aware Collaboratory, Portal, … Plan, Coordinate, Share, Compare Wiki Task List Chat Document Repository Scenario Repository Training Materials SSO
“My results could impact how we prepare for the next event” Dynamic Plug-ins, Provenance, Environment Eclipse RCP WorkflowDataGIS MAEviz Plug-in Framework Auto-update New Third-Party Analyses Compare, Contrast, Validate
An Exemplar of a New Mode of R,D & D A End-to-End Cyberenvironment Designed to Support Consequence-Based Risk Management Reducing the “Time From Discovery” Demonstrating Core Design Principles and Capabilities Applicable Across Many Domains Providing a Concrete Use Case for New Developments
Cyberenvironments Mosaic and Cyberenvironments Mosaic –By early 1990s, the internet had a wealth of resources, but they were inaccessible to most scientists –Individual publishing –Browsing versus retrieving –See “Web The Machine is Us/ing Us” Cyberenvironments –By the early 2000’s, the internet and grid had a wealth of interactive resources, but they were inaccessible to most scientists –Individual information models –Fusion versus gathering See “The Machine is Us/ing Us”! Michael Wesch
Digital Observatories Observe Model Publish Explore Understand Researchers Policy Makers Students Citizens From Basic Research to Societal Impact
used wascatalyzedby used wascatalyzedby recipe ingredients cake proposal wastriggeredby Making desert funding Cake baking The Baker NSF The Oven used wasgeneratedby Semantic Web Implementation within NCSA’s Tupelo Framework wastriggeredby The Open Provenance Model NCSA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U. Utah, U. Southampton via the International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW) series
Digital Preservation Part of the EU SHAMAN effort to develop robust preservation systems IRoDS SDSC/SHAMAN Distributed Records Management Framework NCSA ASCII Binary XML e.g. Word 1.0 Logical/ Semantic Data Model DFDL Format Descriptors Defuddle MultiValent Browser Format Interpretation Content Presentation U. Liverpool
A Production Model for Collaboration MAEviz is Driven by MAE/Community Needs Architecture incorporates the latest ideas yet –MAEviz development priorities are focused on MAE/Community needs –MAEviz is developed using rigorous software engineering methods –MAEviz does not incorporate unproven software or extraneous core functionality to serve research needs Avoids ‘perpetual beta’ and high barriers of more tightly coupled approaches…
A True Partnership Leadership, Requirements Gathering, Funding, Evaluation from MAE Center Cyberinfrastructure Expertise, Developers, Components and Funded Component R&D from NCSA