ADHD Interventions EDFN 645 Adapted from Jason Harlacher, MS, NCSP Washoe County School District University of Oregon
Effective Support Understanding need for external incentive/feedback Behavior expectations proactively taught Instruction matches skill level
Modifications Preferential seating One-step directions Brief transitions Minimizing distractions Use of praise (4:1)
Praise Specific Behavior Praise Statements (SBPS) Example: “Sally, I like the way you’re sitting at your desk and working quietly.” or “Jimmy, I’m glad you raised your hand and waited.” Non-example: “Good job!” 1 SBPS/10 minutes = 47% on-task 1 SBPS/2 minutes = 89% on-task
Academic Interventions ClassWide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) Computer-Assisted-Instruction (CAI) Choice-Making Instructional Modification Academic: target the academic deficits Behavioral: target behavioral symptoms
Class wide Peer Tutoring Students are paired together and provide instruction, assistance, and feedback to each other work together on an academic activity + frequent & immediate feedback - setup time · social function
Computer Assisted Instruction Computer-based programs that serve as supplements to traditional instruction + natural extension of instruction, “extra practice” - curriculum and program mismatch? · practice in a very visual format
Choice Making Student makes a choice between teacher selected assignments Selects work from a teacher-developed menu + student autonomy, easy to implement - use with caution · defiance, low to no work completion
ADHD Medications
Citation Wikipedia
Sara’s Recommendations Research Based Intervention Websites Medication Effectiveness Rating Scale – %20medication%20effectiveness%20rating%2 0scale.pdf %20medication%20effectiveness%20rating%2 0scale.pdf ADHD Accomodations – /teacher.shtml#Ideas%20for%20Attention%20 Deficit%20Childrenhttp:// /teacher.shtml#Ideas%20for%20Attention%20 Deficit%20Children
Sara’s Recommendations Research Based Intervention Websites Hyperactivity Accommodations – nterventionista_intv_list.php?prob_type=hyperactivityhttp:// nterventionista_intv_list.php?prob_type=hyperactivity Inattention Accommodations – nterventionista_intv_list.php?prob_type=off_task__inat tentionhttp:// nterventionista_intv_list.php?prob_type=off_task__inat tention Computer timer downloads Vibra-lite Intervention – %203.doc %203.doc