By Mark Kleersnyder II
Appropriate Use of Image Sizes Deciding which image size is appropriate depends on the application of the image. You need to weigh speed vs. quality. Large images take more space, but contain more detail. Small images take less space, but contain less detail.
Appropriate Use of Large Images Image Editing “Photoshopping” Web Design & Publishing Physical Product Design Publishers Coffee Cups Posters Advertisements
Appropriate Use of Small Images Sends Faster & Downloads Faster Printing Documents Printers have limited memory space and can only process so much at a time. Storage Space Takes significantly less space on your camera media, hard drive, or server. Load & Processing Times View several images faster.
Camera Image Sizes & Dimensions 8MP 3264 x pictures* 5MP 2592 x pictures* 3MP 2048 x pictures* 2MP 1600 x pictures* 0.3MP 640 x pictures* * On a 1gb memory card
Office Image Compression
Picasa Image Editing
Zip it, Attach it, then it Resize your image(s) first if appropriate for the application. Select your group of images Right-Click & Send To Compressed (zipped) Folder Add as an attachment in your .
Camera Media Management Memory Card Types SD Card Compact Flash Sony Memory Stick Card Readers