Rapeseed Brassica napus Common uses Bulk oil - canola oil High protein animal feed Biodiesel INTRODUCTION
Oil bodies Energy storage structures in plant seeds µm diameter Components Triaclyglycerol core Outer phospholipid monolayer Charged surface proteins - oleosins Structure gives physical and chemical stability INTRODUCTION
Potential applications in the human food system Deliver stable, preemulsifed oil into appropriate food systems Create a poorly-digested emulsion, through high pressure processing, for the increasing obese population Have an oil source extracted without solvents Objective Find the method that extracts the highest quantity of oil bodies with the highest purity INTRODUCTION
Extraction Method 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Dry Grinding IKA Blender40 g seeds2 x 10 sec Wet Grinding Polytron Blender300 mg ground seeds2 x 15 sec8000 rpm Centrifugation 1 Carbonate Buffer (O.4 M sucrose) 4° C10000xg30 min Centrifugation 2 Carbonate Buffer (0.6 M sucrose) 4° C10000xg30 min Centrifugation 3 Phosphate Buffer4° C10000xg30 min Collect Cream
Extraction Method 5 MATERIALS AND METHODS Soak Seeds 40 g seeds + 60 mL water Refrigerate overnight Dry Grinding IKA Blender 2 x 10 sec Wet Grinding Polytron Blender 503 mg ground seeds2 x 15 sec8000 rpm Centrifugation 1 Carbonate Buffer (0.4 M sucrose) 4° C10000xg30 min Centrifugation 2 Carbonate Buffer (0.6 M sucrose) 4° C10000xg30 min Centrifugation 3 Phosphate Buffer 4° C10000xg30 min Collect Cream
Extraction 3 and 5 treatments Regular - fresh cream in phosphate buffer (100 mg/ml) Freeze-dried cream in phosphate buffer Freeze-dried cream in water Analyses Dry Matter Size Microscope Granulometer Nanosizer Protein quantification BSA Lipid quantification Isopropanol/hexane extraction MATERIALS AND METHODS
MethodSample Size Average Cream Weights (mg)Standard Deviation ,8415, ,0315,88 CREAM WEIGHTS
Method 3Method 5 LIGHT MICROSCOPE 63x
RegularFreeze-dried NANOSIZER – METHOD 3
RegularFreeze-dried NANOSIZER – METHOD 5
MethodTreatment Sample Size Average Lipid (mg) Standard Deviation 3 Regular77,191,10 Freeze-Dried with Buffer25,70- Freeze-Dried with Water27,00- Overall116,892,22 5 Regular26,35- Freeze-Dried with Buffer26,84- Freeze-Dried with Water410,282,06 Overall88,432,40 LIPID QUANTIFICATION
PROTEIN QUANTIFICATION MethodTreatment Sample Size Average Concentration (mg/ml) Standard Deviation 3 Regular32,46,51 Freeze-Dried with Buffer11,32- Freeze-Dried with Water11,36- Overall52,01,71 5 Regular15,01- Freeze-Dried with Buffer11,84- Freeze-Dried with Water23,62- Overall43,521,39
MethodTreatment Sample Size Average Percent Dry Matter (%) Standard Deviation 3 Dry Heat452,181,80 Freeze-Drying with Buffer255,59- Freeze-Drying with Water255,26- Overall854,351,88 5 Freeze-Drying with Buffer158,63- Freeze-Drying with Water344,843,17 Overall448,297,36 DRY MATTER
Cream Collection Weights No major difference between Method 3 and 5 Size Method 3 vs 5 Both displayed similar presence of floculation and particle sizes- granulometer, nanosize, and light microscope Regular vs. Freeze-dried Light microscope No major visual differences Granulometer More floculation present in samples freeze-dried with buffer Nanosizer Freeze-dried samples showed a wider range of particle sizes Differences in freeze-dried samples potentially due to destruction of oil bodies during harsh treatment DISCUSSION
Lipid Quantification Slightly higher collection from Method 3 Protein Quantification Slighly lower concentration from Method 3 Dry Matter Slightly higher Percent Dry Matter from Method 3 DISCUSSION
Challenges Cream collection Cream can stick to cap of centrifuge tube Cream in Method 3 is, in general, not as firm and durable as Method 5 Size measurement instrumentation Granulometer and nanometer have size detection limits that are on both sides of the oil bodies upper and lower diameter range New equipment arriving next month Freeze-drying Low volume of final product Time consuming Slightly lower protein content With buffer Powdery final product - easier to collect Contained phosphate buffer salts Room for errors in calculations With water Waxy final product - more difficult to collect DISCUSSION
Future options Using sustainabiliy grown seeds 2010 Unilever Sustainable Agriculture Code Put into effect in Germany under Cargill Using the valueable protein for a human food source and not just for animal meal Hurdles: glucosinolates, phenolics, phytates, and high amount of fiber Benefits: balanced amino acid profile, functional properties (emulsifying, foaming, and gelling), and new alternative to feed increasing population Creating industrial scale extraction methods without the use of dangerous solvents SUSTAINABILITY
Method 3 More consistent Less time consuming Less protein contamination Method 5 Easier handling of cream Long soak step More protein contamination Freeze-drying Time consuming Few added benefits Next step Compare against Thibault’s data Increase collection volume to larger bench scale CONCLUSION
Stephanie Jung, PhD Marc Anton, PhD Elisabeth David-Briand Thibault Loiseleux THANK YOU