Welcome During the module you will learn how to create applications for the Web We will be using Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) the language is VB.NET You will be introduced to all of the underlying concepts of programming that may be applied to any other language that you learn in the future
Delivery 1 Lecture (Some weeks won’t have a lecture – see module web site for up to date schedule) 1 x 2 hour labs each week 100% coursework Module web site all handouts assessment documentation tutorial videos
Assessments Portfolio of work Assessed by Two Phase Tests weighted at 30% Four Driving Tests weighted at 10% each. Bonus scheme worth up to 20%
Driving Tests Four Driving Tests Apply lab work to your own design 3 x Items of portfolio work Obtain peer assessments Book the test with your tutor One question asked from your portfolio work Marks allocated on a sliding scale depending on how long you take to pass Three “Time Outs” At your tutor’s convenience If you fail then try again next week
Phase Tests You will be assessed just before the Christmas and Easter breaks You have been given a sample question and solution On the day of the test you will be given a different question (of a similar style)
The Bonus Scheme There are 20 marks available on top of the standard 100 (Capped at 100 though!) You may either work in a team or as an individual For example… All members of your team pass a specific milestone e.g. They all pass the first interview You keep a personal diary of your learning
Things to Watch You must attempt all four driving tests otherwise your test grade is capped at 40% You must attempt both phase tests otherwise your module grade is capped at 40%
Attendance Roughly 80% of students pass this module All of the students who failed their year 1 last year had less than 25% attendance throughout the year on their modules Those students who just passed or passed after reassessment had only average attendance (50%) Students who did well had good attendance High levels of attendance result in higher grades Contact your lab tutor and your personal tutor if you are going to be absent Attendance is monitored, poor attendance may lead to termination from the course!