MAXAT-II Woods Hole September 1999
Overview Science Drivers Lessons of the past Focusing on Science and Innovation
Global context Mauna Kea, Hawaii 10 m 8 m 4 x 8m Chile 8 m 10 m
Global context NGST NGST ALMA ALMA VLA-upgrade VLA-upgrade Keck-Inter. ESO-VLTI Keck I&II UT1,UT2,UT3,UT4 Gemini N&S HET LBT Phase A OWL MAXATCELT
Hubble Space Telescope moved the goal posts SpaceGround Detected Telescope Diameter. Signal Image Width Signal Image Width
Detected Telescope Diameter. Signal Image Width Signal Image Width Sensitivity gains for a 21 st Century telescope For background or sky noise limited observations: S (Effective Collecting Area) 1/2. N Delivered Image Diameter S/N x (10 6 ) 1/2 OH line
V-band 0.6 arcsec Adaptive Optics on 8m -10m Telescopes Globular Cluster NGC6934 V (0.55um) band FWHM of 0.6” K (2.2um) band ~120 exposures totaling 23min FWHM of 0.09” Gemini Optical Image 2.2um (K) Hokupa’a ON
Challenging 8m - 10m telescopes OH line
1 R 1 AU 100 AU 0.1 pc 10 pc Accretion Disks Protoplanetary Disks Planets Molecular Cloud Cores Jets/HH GMC Mol. Outflows Stellar Clusters milli- arcseconds Observations at z = AGN Galactic observations out to 1kpc at 10 mas resolution 10 AU Spectroscopy Imaging 100 pc Velocity dispersion R= Flux Going beyond 0.1 arcsecond astronomy requires resolution and sensitivity
Scientific Drivers for the “Next Generation Groundbased Telescope ” Telescope Diameter. Image Diameter Maximize Telescope Diameter. Image Diameter For diffraction limited pixels S/N D 2 / In the detector limited regime S/N D 2 Detector technology (t)
Gemini 8-M 8 2 x 50 HET 9 60 CHARA LBT Keck 1 & VLTI Facility Baseline (m) Collecting Area (m 2 ) What is the future of O/IR Groundbased Astronomy?
Gemini 8-M 8 2 x 50 HET 9 60 CHARA LBT Keck 1 & VLTI m M Telescope OWL Facility Baseline (m) Collecting Area (m 2 ) - technology enables innovation and, scientific discovery
The Scientific Impact - Modeled characteristics of 20m and 50m telescope Assumed detector characteristics m < m 5.5 m < m I d N r q e I d N r q e 0.02 e/s 4e 80% 10 e/s 30e 40% Assumed point source size (mas) 20M 1.2 m 1.6 m 2.2 m 3.8 m 4.9 m 12 m 20 m (mas) M 1.2 m 1.6 m 2.2 m 3.8 m 4.9 m 12 m 20 m (mas) (Gillett & Mountain, 1998)
The Scientific Impact - Relative Gain of groundbased 20m and 50m telescopes compared to NGST Groundbased advantage NGST advantage Imaging Velocities ~30km/s
The impact of technology Kitt Peak 4m c.1970 Gemini 8m c.1998 Mass = 340 tonnes Cost (1998) ~ $64M scaled to 8m ~ $415M x Mass = 315 tonnes Cost (1998) ~ $88M
Quantifying Innovation - bypassing extrapolation 4m (KPNO) 8m (Gemini) Cost(1998) $61M Scaled cost $415M Actual cost $88M Cost “gain” x ~5 Image quality 1”Image quality 0.1” Performance “gain” (rel. to diff.) x 5 “innovation factor” ~ 5 x 5 = 25
Changing the “paradigm” - “extrapolation is innovations worst enemy” Why ? –Because the science drives us to this scale – and because modern analytical and control systems techniques allows us to reduce risk NASA HSTNGST
Telescope error budget, 50% e-e diameter (arcsecs) at 2.2 m System at 45 degrees, wind at 11 m/s, 200Hz tip/tilt sampling Error budget allocation is at Zenith, at 45 degrees End-to-End modeling works Gemini Systems Review #2, March 1995 GEMINI IMAGE - 8 weeks into commissioning Feb ‘99 Tip/tilt sampling = 100Hz Open loop Arcseconds jitter Pointing accuracy with active control of structure
Innovation Factors Innovation factor m $600M HST NGST’ ($2.4B) ($1B) Gemini + MCAO 50m ($100M) ($1B) VLT OWL ($100M) ($1B) Keck + LGS AO CELT ($100M) ($400M) 5
Baseline Approach - ambitious at the outset Diffraction limited telescope D ~ 50m - 100m Operating wavelengths 0.9 m m Tech. challengeScience challenge Operate over 90% of sky (airmass < 2.0) at full image quality over 75% Operate under 90% of site conditions at full performance under 75% of conditions Minimize risk -- if at all possible Focus on technologies that have the potential to produce the most innovative results Multi-conjugate AO Smart structures Optical materials and support approaches Analytical analysis of wind-buffeting “Cheap” enclosures