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Academic Journals vs. Popular Magazines Academic/Scholarly JournalsPopular Magazines Sample TitleAmerican Journal of PsychologyPsychology Today What’s Inside? Original research, methodology, analysis, history, theory, graphs, charts and images only to support research, rarely have advertising Brief articles; current events, news; quick facts; short interviews, book reviews; opinion pieces, pictures Who Writes Them? Professors, scholars, researchers, educators, credentials shown Journalists, freelance writers; staff writers; often no credentials Sources?Footnotes and bibliographiesRarely cite any sources Who Uses Them? Scholars, students, professionals, researchers looking at subject specific research. General Public Who Decides on Articles? Peer-reviewed, refereed.No blind or peer-reviews; overseen by editors. Who Publishes Them? Publishers: academic presses, scholarly organizations, corporate presses specializing in academic publishing, (e.g. MIT Press, Sage Publications) Publishers: Usually corporations or other commercially-owned companies (e.g. Time owned by AOL Time Warner.)
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