{ Leftovers Because time flies when you’re having fun…
Transportation and Communication New modes of communication and transportation virtually eliminated the problem of geographic distance Ex. High-speed railcars can move at 350mph Ex. Commercial jets reach speeds of 593mph Ex. The world's effective capacity to exchange information through two-way telecommunication networks was 65 exabytes in This is the informational equivalent 6 entire newspapers per person per day.
The Green Revolution The Green Revolution produced food for the earth’s growing population as it spread chemically and genetically enhanced forms of agriculture Pesticides Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer Resulting decrease of biodiversity
Medical Innovations Medical innovations increased the ability for humans to survive Artificial hearts Antibiotics
Energy Technologies Energy technologies including the use of oil and nuclear power has raised productivity and increased the production of material goods
Birth Control More effective forms of birth control gave women great control over fertility and transformed sexual practices
The End of the Cold War The dissolution of the Soviet Union effectively ended the Cold War By 1980, non-communist movements began in Eastern Europe Ex. Solidarity in Poland Soviet power began to decline Lagged behind technologically Unhappy citizenry Large, expensive government War in surrounding regions (Afghanistan) was expensive & unpopular 1989, Berlin Wall was dismantled & Germany was reunified
The End of the Cold War In Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev enacted reforms to improve moral Ex. glasnost, perestroika, etc. 1990, Radical communists failed to overthrow Gorbachev 1991, USSR was disbanded & Boris Yeltsin took control of Russia
Antiwar Activists Groups and individuals challenged the many wars of the century The antinuclear movement during the Cold War Picasso in his Guernica
Governments Guiding Economic Life In newly independent states after World War II, governments often took on a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development Nassar’s promotion of economic development in Egypt Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Transnational Movements Transnational movements sought to unite people across national boundaries Communism Domino Theory Proxy Wars Pan-Arabism Promoted unification of Arab States Opposed Western-involvement Strongly supported by Nassar
Global Trade Regional trade agreements created regional trading blocs designed to promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders The European Union NAFTA
Human Rights The notion of human rights gained traction throughout the world Women’s rights
Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women “Any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.”
Race in the 20 th Century Increased interaction among diverse peoples sometimes led to the formation of new cultural identities and exclusionary reactions Negritude Common black identity 1906 Atlanta Race Riots Resulted from tensions between blacks and whites over: Jobs Civil rights Gubernatorial Election of 1906
New Forms of Spirituality Believers developed new forms of spirituality Scientology Believe one should recall traumatic events from their past to free themselves from their limiting effects Members often have to spend a great deal of money to work with spiritual advisors Controversial opponents of psychiatry