Computers influence on Society By Tommy Henn
There Impact Computers have effected our society in an extremely significant way since the Industrial Revolution, s. Close to just about everything has been operated by computers for years; for example, leaders of organizations, traffic lights, shipping industries, jets, cars, etc… All these things have helped shape what the 21 st Century is today. “Most of the jobs today require the use of computers. These 'mechanical brains' made a huge impact on our society. It would be hard if we didn't have the computer around.” -
Outcomes From the Use of Computers
Historical Background Probably one of the first complex computer that was an important part of the computer's history was ENIAC (slide2), Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer/Calculator. This computer was big. It took a large room to fit this big computer in. ENIAC could do thousands of calculations, which it was made for. ENIAC was made by Presper Eckert, John W. Maulchy, and their associates and also made during World War ll. -
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