Church Health Systems Gary Rohrmayer Converge MidAmerica ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer.


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Presentation transcript:

Church Health Systems Gary Rohrmayer Converge MidAmerica ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Measuring Health Acts 2:36-42 Quantitative Growth vs. 41 Qualitative Growth vs Quantitative Growth vs. 47 “Good evangelism must be followed by good edification if it is going to lead to good evangelism.” ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Quantitative Growth The Quantitative Growth is measured by looking at key numerical ratios that guide any church (no matter the size or location) towards organic and organizational health. ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Quantitative Growth New visitor ratio: How many new visitors do you need in an average month to grow your church? Baptism Ratio: What is the a healthy percentage between average worship attendance and number of baptisms annually? Giving Ratio: What is the healthy dollar amount given per person on a average Sunday? Serving Ratio: What is a healthy percentage of average attenders and those engage in a ministry? Small Group Ratio: What is a healthy percentage of those attending on an average weekend and those engaged in a small group? Membership Ratio: What is a healthy percentage of those attending on an average weekend and those who are committed members? Leadership Ratio: How many new leaders are added to your leadership community annually? Staff Ratio: How many full-time pastoral staff should a church have for its size? ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Quantitative Growth New visitor ratio: 5:100 – 5% New visitor retention First Visit: 1:4 – 25% Second visit 3:4 – 75% Baptism Ratio: 1:10 – 10% Giving Ratio: 20:1 – $20- per a week per person Serving Ratio: 60:100 – 60 roles for every 100 people Small Group Ratio: 7:10 – 70% Membership Ratio: 1:2 – 50% Leadership Ratio: 1:5 – 20% Staff Ratio: 1:150 – 1 full-time pastoral staff for every 150 adult attenders (18 yrs and above) ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Qualitative Growth The qualitative health of a local church is measured through the attitudes, feelings and perspectives towards people, programs and the progress of the church. Natural Church Development is the best tool for uncovering these things. ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

International Research Project 1,000 churches 32 countries 18 languages 6 continents

Key Question What church growth principles are true, regardless of culture and theological persuasion?

NCD Quality Characteristics Empowering Empowering Leadership Gift-oriented Gift-oriented Passionate Passionate Functional Functional Inspiring Inspiring Holistic Holistic Need-oriented Need-oriented Loving Loving Ministry Spirituality Structures Worship Small Groups Evangelism Relationships Adjective The Adjective is the key! ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

NCD Survey Profile Minimum factor: Passionate Spirituality ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Quality Characteristics Quality Characteristics Weak System Weak System Church Attendance Church Attendance Identifying and addressing a weak system often results in quantitative growth Minimum Factor

Church Systems Systems are the HOW 8 characteristics… WHAT ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

What is a Church System? Church systems are reproducible and interconnected processes by which the church actualizes its values and achieves its mission. What are some systems that are already at work in your church? ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Does You Church Value … Empowering Empowering Leadership Gift-oriented Gift-oriented Ministry Passionate Passionate Spirituality Functional Functional Structures Inspiring Inspiring Worship Holistic Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Need-oriented Evangelism Loving Loving Relationships ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

If so... Do you have a reproducible and interconnecting process that … empowers leaders into the harvest? insures inspiring worship gatherings? encourages evangelism throughout the church? stimulates spiritual passion in every believer? promotes health relationships in your community? connects people in healthy small groups? deploys people into ministry? builds organizational health? ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

The Keys to Designing Healthy Systems Interdependence – Connecting Multiplication – Reproducing Energy Transformation – Leveraging Multi-usage – Sustaining Symbiosis – Cooperating Functionality – Evaluating * NCD Growth Forces ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Systems Designing Principles Interdependence Multiplication Energy transformation Multi-usage Symbiosis Functionality Empowering Leadership Understanding growth forces will be the key to developing a healthy church system. ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Phase 1: Prepare for Survey Phase 2: Analyze Survey Results Phase 3: Develop Action Plan Phase 4: Implement & monitor Phase 5: Evaluate and Repeat The NCD Implementation Cycle ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Church Health Team Team Leader Strategic Thinker Researcher Intercessor Communicator Members of the Ministry Teams ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

What? NCD Qualitative Goals How? When? Who? Set Qualitative Goals Biotic StrategiesNameDate An Action Plan is a form that defines the desired result, required materials, sequential steps, quality standards, due dates and staff responsibilities for individual business processes. - Michael Gerber ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Phase 1: Prepare & Take Survey May-June Phase 2: Analyze Survey Results June-July Phase 3: Develop Action Plan July-August Phase 4: Implement & monitor September-April Phase 5: Evaluate and Repeat May-June A Church Health Rhythm ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

After 31 months… 3 surveys Each quality characteristic averaged a 6% increase. They have increased their worship attendance by 51%. Transfer growth decreased and conversion growth increased. The work-load of the leaders (especially pastors) decreased. ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Crossroads Evangelical Example Average yearly worship attendance Building focus Building complete 65% ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

How to take the NCD Survey? Order it for Converge MidAmerica Identify 30 key influencers Gather them for 1 hr. 20 min. Power Point – Introducing NCD 20 min. Hand out, take and collect survey 20 min. Prayer Send it to Converge MidAmerica Identify Key Leaders for Church Health Team ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer

Converge MidAmerica Contact Information for the Ordering the NCD Materials Sarah Flashing Phone: Web: Converge MidAmerica is a missionally driven and gospel centered ministry with a passion for strengthening and starting healthy churches throughout Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas. ©2010 Gary Rohrmayer