1 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work and South-South Cooperation Two Good Practices from Brazil Two Good Practices from Brazil
2 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Knowledge of Child Labour Communication and social dialogue Legislation or law enforcement Institutionalization or institutional strengthening Integral Protection of children and adolescents South-South Cooperation IPEC Strategic areas of action in Brazil DECENTWORKDECENTWORK
3 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour First step: a survey of indicators Human Development Index Basic Education Index Quality School Attendance Institutional conditions Health indicators Poverty indicators Supply Chains in the region Child labour indicators Accidents at work Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
4 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Second Step: Projection of the likely number of children working Definition of targets for each municipality Third Step: Ensure water supply in schools Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
5 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Fourth Step: Fourth Step: Create a fostering environment through the Bahia Free Child Labour March Fifth Step: Fifth Step: Agreement signature settling responsibilities and deadlines among all involved partners Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
6 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Sixth step: Sixth step: Training of Mayors, Municipal Secretaries and managers of the health, education, labour and social a development areas in the active identification strategy Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
7 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Seventh step: Seventh step: Identify child labour foci in schools Mobilize children students to identify other children out of school in their community The education sector systematize the information Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
8 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Eighth step: The Community Health Agents visit homes and properties They verify the existence of child labour The health sector systematize the information Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
9 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Ninth step: Ninth step: The community health agents collect family and household data, forwarding it to the social assistance agents The social assistance agents visit the hazardous childlabour foci and register the families and their children into their database The social assistance agents visit the hazardous child labour foci and register the families and their children into their database IPEC and the Ministries of Education and Social Development share the same database, monitoring the provided services and the children attendance Active Identification of Children in Hazardous Work
10 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour South-South and Horizontal Cooperation
11 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour What is the South-South and Horizontal Cooperation? What is the South-South and Horizontal Cooperation? This cooperation promotes the exchange of information and the replicability of good practices to be adapted and transferred to the context of other developing countries South-South and Horizontal Cooperation
12 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour The criteria The criteria for the selection the good practices were the following: Innovation and creativity: experiences of potential interest for others; Replicability Replicability: must be applicable to other contexts; Sustainability: Sustainability: capability of continuance; Pertinence: Pertinence: contribution for the development of the subject; Ethics and responsibility: Ethics and responsibility: coherence with the needs and interests of the involved parts; Efficiency and execution: Efficiency and execution: rational usage of human, technical and organizational resources. South-South and Horizontal Cooperation
13 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour The main objectives: create a platform for discussion between Brazil and other Latin American, Asian and African countries on child labour issues and ways to prevent and eliminate it; foster the exchange of experiences and good practices in the prevention and elimination of child labour among developing countries, including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour inspection, training of health professionals, education, among others; under the perspective of gender, race, ethnicity, etc; attempt to mobilize resources for implementing joint projects and activities. South-South and Horizontal Cooperation
14 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour IPEC: identifies the good practices classifies the good practices identifies the demands of cooperation in developing countries promotes international bilateral dialogue elaborates the project document manages, monitors the implementation of cooperation carries out studies, tours and training conducts technical assistance visits in order to adapt good practice South-South and Horizontal Cooperation
15 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Countdown to 2016 III Global Child Labour Conference in Brazil, 2013 a step in the Hague Roadmap to 2016