Year 12 Tutorial CASE and SPADD
Year 12 Tutorial Session Aims To understand the attendance system that staff and students can use. To clarify where to find key information to help check your attendance and progress.
Why is attendance important? Evidence shows that poor attendance has a massive impact on your overall achievement – this will be covered in your assembly this week. Employers and universities ask us to comment on your attendance (and statistics do not lie!) We want you to achieve your potential and good attendance is an important part of that!
Your personal tutor will monitor your overall attendance each week on a lesson by lesson basis. Subject tutors will refer you if they have concerns re. attendance. College supervisors will move you on to lessons, if you are seen in college. A letter will automatically be sent home, if your attendance drops. Tutors may contact home if they are concerned about your attendance.
If you are absent: Telephone the college on each day of illness on You will need your T number to do this. Or ask a parent/sibling to phone for you. If you are ill in college: Sign out with a college supervisor at the desk in the careers area. Any absences authorised or not may have an effect on your progress. Always see subject tutors and catch up work missed!!
Please check SPADD regularly!
Knowing your targets and monitoring your progress
We set you minimum targets based on the achievement of the top 25% of sixth form students. They are based on your results at GCSE. We set the bar high because as a College we set high standards. We want you to aspire to achieve the best you can as you progress and build your own future. Target Setting
Progress monitoring is about you reflecting on the learning process and your progress in achieving your targets. This may mean approaching your studies in a new way. Coming to College is a new learning experience, one in which you must take greater responsibility for your own success. Progress Monitoring
You and your learning – developing that “Growth Mindset” Jayne talked about at Induction Attend everything - students with 100% attendance typically achieve 3 grades higher across an AS programme compared to a student with 85%. Be on time and ready to learn. Do your classwork and your homework. Plan your time and your study time. Review what you know and what you don’t. Establish a regular routine. Always meet deadlines. Ask for help when you need it. Be organised.
Reviewing your progress You will have 5 Progress Reviews with your subject tutors where you will be given a Progress Grade and 2 attitude to learning grades. This Progress Report will be on SPADD and will be sent home. Your personal tutors will discuss and action plan with you to ensure you meet and hopefully exceed your target.
MINIMUM TARGET GRADES FOR STUDENTS STUDYING AS/A LEVEL COURSES APS band Subject target grade Overall target grades AS level Overall target grades A level A*/AAAABA*AA(A) < 7.5AAABBAAA < 7.0BABBBABB < 6.7BBBBBBBB < 6.4B/CBBCCBBC < 6.1B/CBCC(C)BCC < 5.8CCCC(C)CCC < 5.5CCCD(D)CCD < 5.2C/DCDD(D)CDD < 4.7DDDD(D)DDD
MINIMUM TARGET GRADES FOR STUDENTS STUDYING BTEC/OCR COURSES APS bandCert Subsidiary Diploma 90 Credit Diploma Diploma Extended Diploma D* D*D* D*D*D* < 6.7D*/D D*DD*D*D*D*D < 6.1DDDDD*DD*DD < 5.8DDDDD*DDDD < 5.5DDDD/DM DDD < 5.2D/M DM DDM < 4.3MM DM/M M DDM < 4.0MMMM MMM