Advisory group updates Sam Davies Partnership Board Support Officer LDPB
Healthy Lives Reviewed in early 2008 New membership and terms of reference: Find out about health needs in Walsall Solve health barriers that people face Ensure information is in easy read Best attended group more service users and staff than any other group No project work Group raises issues with relevant staff or services Staff and services feedback on latest developments
Choice & Control Reviewed in early 2008 New membership and terms of reference: Survey around day services Postal survey of carers Work plan drawn up based on results Small group with good membership Regular attendees, good mix of service users, cares and staff Main projects Assertiveness & confidence training Bullying & hate crime Information around benefits Friendships & relationships
Fulfilling Lives & Employment Being reviewed at the moment New membership and terms of reference will follow: Employment will have own group New focus will be around day and evening services and opportunities Large group with good membership Members enjoy the chance to share information with diverse group Need to reduce size if going to take on project work Main projects Have developed travel training in Walsall Developing PMLD services Advising the modernisation of day services
Supporting Carers Has been on hold for last few months Now we have the Carers Strategy and guidance from Valuing People NOW New membership and terms of reference will follow Work plan will be developed Small group with good membership Need to increase the number of carers who attend Need to survey all carers in Walsall to find out what their concerns for the future are
Housing Now serves LD Partnership Board and Physical & Sensory Impairment Partnership Board New membership and terms of reference agreed Small group with good membership Very proactive group All members contribute to the work plan Main projects Improved processes for housing applications Improved processes for monitoring housing needs Worked in partnership to reduce duplicate work across the service
Leisure Came from Healthy Lives National drive to improve access to leisure services Historically poor attendance at Boards by Leisure Services Small membership and project brief: Led by Kim Fuller Externally funded for 12 months Project work DVD of how a good service is accessed Researcher hired to provide information on services in Walsall Website to be developed which identifies accessible services across Walsall A symbol developed to show our approval
Hate Crime Came from Choice & Control National drive to improve police response to Hate Crime Lots of high profile case studies recently Brilliant accessible formats have been designed across the country Membership still to be agreed: Need to see what national guidance there is before inviting people Hopefully just a 12 month remit Project work Need to develop other areas’ work into a Walsall system Need to ensure police services are aware of LD and how to deal with our service users Make sure reporting process is embedded in all public services