1.Frequently absent, late for work 2.Takes advantage of every opportunity to take time out. Absent himself for trivial reasons; leaves work place for no good reason 3.Average attendance 4.Rarely absent or late for work, very good attendance 5.Exceptionally punctual in observing work hours/break period; never absent ATTENDANCE Punctuality, attitude towards time lost from work.
1.Quality rating is unsatisfactorily ; below normal most of the time 2.Lacks knowledge in some phases or work. Needs training; coaching sessions 3.Quality rating is satisfactorily; standards are regularly meet 4.Quality rating is consistently above average 5.Outstanding performance, regularly surpasses normal targets WORK QUALITY Ability to meet the quality requirements of the job; does accurate work.
1.Output is often below of what is expected from him 2.Dies just enough to get by 3.Targeted output are usually met 4.Industrious, does more than what is required 5.Outstanding work output, consistently met beyond requirements QUALITY OF WORK Ability to meet desired work output especially on those parts of the job where supevision is remote.
1.Gives up easily, undependable 2.Improvement needed; casual 3.Average, adequate to job demands 4.Determined; dependable at most times 5.Outstanding, consistently ordered, conscientious PERSISTENCE Ability to continue working toward a goal despite oppositions or difficulties even though success appears to be far into the future.
1.Unreliable, always requires close supervision 2.Can be depended upon on certain occasions 3.Takes care of necessary tasks & completes with reasonable promptness 4.Reliable, requires little supervision 5.Requires no supervision DEPENDABILITY Ability to do the required job well with minimum supervision.
1.Poor learner, has poor general understanding and reasoning ability, cannot grasp new work even after careful instructions 2.Slow learners; prefers same kind of work, finds great difficulty in making new adjustments 3.Good, sufficient for present responsibilities; normally able to adjust to new work after careful instructions 4.Fast learner, readily adjustable to new work with brief instructions; welcomes changes 5.Brighter than most in his position; unusual keenness of perception, grasps new work quickly and easily anticipates new developments MENTAL CAPABILITY/ABILITY General understanding and reasoning ability to learn new methods and details in relation to work.
1.Behaves immaturely; lacking in frustration tolerance 2.Needs improvement; changeability in attitudes; occasionally resorts to childish behavior 3.Adequate to job demands; generally calm 4.Understands his weaknesses and strong points and can discuss them with objectivity; realistic and calm 5.Exceptional self-insight, objectivity, adaptability; has complete understanding of self and can realistically suggest ways of self-improvement. EMOTIONAL MATURITY Adaptability to new situations, insight into self, objectivity, self-control, appropriateness of behavior to situations.
1.Has been warned, issued letters to reprimand or suspended 2.Occasionally violates rules and regulations 3.Tries to adhere to rules and regulations 4.Basically follows all rules and regulations 5.Consistently adheres to all rules and regulations, honest and beyond reproach ADHERENCE TO POLICIES, RULES 7 REGULATIONS Ability to follow university policies, rules and regulations without urging to do so.
1.Most of the time discourteousness; regularly complained about due to inconsiderate attitude 2.Occasionally offers assistance but lacks patience in dealing with clientele; sometimes discourteous 3.Normally goes out of the way to assist clients 4.Usually goes out of the way to assist clients even when occupied with work 5.Always go all the way to make people comfortable and satisfied even under pressure and occupied with work COURTESY Polite, kind and thoughtful behavior toward internal (faculty and staff) and external (parents and students) clientele.
1.Uncooperative, inclined to be quarrelsome, touchy, does not get along well with others; upsets morale 2.Normally tactful but sometimes uncooperative 3.Gives average cooperation 4.Cooperates willingly and fits easily into the group 5.Always very cooperative, an unusual and strong force for office morale COOPERATION Respect for superiors, relationship with co- employees.
1.Disorderly or untidy 2.Tendency to be careless and untidy 3.Ordinarily keeps work area fairly neat 4.Quite conscientious about nearness & orderliness 5.Unusually neat, clean and orderly HOUSEKEEPING Orderliness and cleanliness in the workplace.
1. Easily gets tired, weak and frail 2. Frequently gets absent due to illness 3. Meets every physical job requirements 4. Energetic, seldom gets tired 5. Excellent in health PHYSICAL FITNESS Ability to maintain good health in mind and body.