Arfer effeithiol o ran gwella presenoldeb mewn ysgolion cynradd Effective practice in improving attendance in primary schools.


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Presentation transcript:

Arfer effeithiol o ran gwella presenoldeb mewn ysgolion cynradd Effective practice in improving attendance in primary schools

Cefndir Yr adroddiad hwn yw’r ail o ddau adolygiad thematig ar bresenoldeb a gynhyrchwyd gan Estyn. Canolbwyntiodd yr adroddiad cyntaf, a gyhoeddwyd ym Medi 2014, ar strategaethau a chamau gweithredu mewn ysgolion uwchradd ac awdurdodau lleol i wella presenoldeb. Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn canolbwyntio ar arferion effeithiol mewn ysgolion cynradd sydd wedi arwain at lefelau presenoldeb da a lefelau sy’n gwella, ac mae’n cynnwys astudiaethau achos arfer orau. Background This report is the second of two thematic reviews on attendance produced by Estyn. The first report, published in September 2014, focused on strategies and actions in secondary schools and local authorities to improve attendance. This report focuses on effective practices in primary schools that have led to good and improving levels of attendance and includes case studies of best practice.

Cefndir Yn 2006, cynhyrchodd Estyn adroddiad arolwg o’r enw ‘Gwella presenoldeb’. Ei ffocws oedd darparu cyngor ar yr ymyriadau a ddefnyddir gan ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol i fynd i’r afael â materion presenoldeb yn llwyddiannus mewn ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd. Mae llawer o ganfyddiadau’r adroddiad hwn, o ran arfer effeithiol mewn ysgolion cynradd, yn debyg i’r canfyddiadau yn adroddiad Background In 2006, Estyn produced a survey report called ‘Improving attendance’. Its focus was to provide advice on the interventions used by schools and local authorities to tackle attendance issues successfully in primary and secondary schools. Many of the findings of this report, in terms of effective practice in primary schools, are similar to those of the 2006 report.

Cefndir Ar gyfer yr arolwg hwn o arfer effeithiol, ymwelodd arolygwyr Estyn ag ystod eang o ysgolion cynradd ledled Cymru lle’r oedd presenoldeb naill ai’n dda neu wedi gwella’n sylweddol yn y pedair i bum mlynedd diwethaf. Roedd yr ysgolion yn amrywio o ran maint o ryw 60 i 520 o ddisgyblion ar y gofrestr, ac roedd cyfran y disgyblion a oedd yn gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim yn amrywio o ryw 3% i 60%. Background For this effective practice survey, Estyn inspectors visited a broad range of primary schools across Wales where attendance was either good or had improved significantly in the last four to five years. The schools ranged in size from approximately 60 to 520 pupils on role and the proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals ranged from around 3% to 60%.

Prif ganfyddiadau Mae adolygiad yr arolwg hwn yn cydnabod bod ysgolion sy’n cynnal presenoldeb da yn gyson, ac yn benodol y rheini sydd wedi gwella presenoldeb yn sylweddol, yn rhannu nifer o nodweddion cyffredin. Ym mhob un o’r ysgolion hyn, y sylw cyson sydd wedi’i roi i bresenoldeb ac effaith amrywiaeth eang o strategaethau sydd wedi arwain at bresenoldeb da yn gyffredinol, ac nid gweithredu un strategaeth benodol. Main findings This survey review recognises that schools that maintain consistently good attendance and specifically those who have improved attendance significantly have a number of common characteristics. In each of these schools, it is the consistent attention given to attendance and the impact of a wide variety of strategies that has led to good attendance overall and not the implementation of one particular strategy.

Prif ganfyddiadau Creu amgylchedd sy’n croesawu disgyblion a chynllunio cyfleoedd dysgu sy’n eu hannog i fynychu. Meddu ar bolisi presenoldeb clir y mae disgyblion, rhieni a staff yn ei ddeall. Codi proffil presenoldeb gyda disgyblion a rhieni, fel eu bod yn deall effaith presenoldeb gwael ar waith disgyblion a’u cyfleoedd mewn bywyd. Main findings Create an environment that welcomes pupils and plan learning opportunities that encourages them to attend. Have a clear attendance policy that pupils, parents and staff understand. Raise the profile of attendance with pupils and parents, so that they understand the impact of poor attendance on pupils’ work and life chances.

Prif ganfyddiadau Darparu neges gadarn i rieni fod gan yr ysgol ddisgwyliad uchel o ran presenoldeb disgyblion, a’i bod yn ymateb yn gyflym a chyson i absenoldeb. Deall y rhesymau dros absenoldeb disgyblion unigol a darparu her a chymorth wedi’u targedu i’r disgyblion hyn a’u teuluoedd. Cynnwys rhieni ym mywyd yr ysgol ac mewn strategaethau i wella presenoldeb. Main findings Provide a strong message to parents that the school has a high expectation of pupil attendance, and responds quickly and consistently to absence. Understand the reasons for individual pupil absence and provide targeted challenge and support for these pupils and their families. Involve parents in school life and in strategies to improve attendance.

Prif ganfyddiadau Mae ganddynt gysylltiadau cadarn â gwasanaethau cymorth, yn cynnwys grwpiau cymunedol, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a’r gwasanaeth lles addysg sy’n gallu helpu o ran ymgysylltu â theuluoedd sy’n agored i niwed a’u cynorthwyo. Mae ganddynt staff sydd â chyfrifoldeb wedi’i ddiffinio’n glir ar gyfer monitro a gwella presenoldeb. Mae ganddynt system o gyswllt diwrnod cyntaf a chyswllt parhaus. Yn defnyddio’r holl ddata sydd ar gael i nodi a gweithredu ar faterion presenoldeb yn gyflym a chyson Main findings Have strong links with support services including community groups, social services and the education welfare service that can assist in engaging and supporting vulnerable families. Have staff with a clearly defined responsibility for monitoring and improving attendance. Have a first-day and on-going contact system. Use all the data available to identify and act on attendance issues quickly and consistently

Prif ganfyddiadau Yn defnyddio gwobrau a chymhellion priodol i annog presenoldeb da. Yn cynnwys presenoldeb mewn cynlluniau gwella ysgol ac yn sicrhau bod strategaethau yn cael eu gweithredu mewn modd amserol. Mae ganddynt uwch aelodau staff a chorff llywodraethol sy’n monitro ac yn arfarnu effaith strategaethau presenoldeb. Main findings Use appropriate rewards and incentives to encourage good attendance. Include attendance in school improvement planning and ensure that strategies are implemented in a timely manner. Have senior staff and a governing body that monitor and evaluate the impact of attendance strategies.

Argymhellion Dylai ysgolion: A1. Weithredu’r strategaethau a nodwyd yn yr adroddiad hwn i wneud yn siŵr bod pob disgybl yn mynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd Recommendations Schools should: R1. Implement the strategies identified in this report to make sure that all pupils attend school regularly

Argymhellion Dylai awdurdodau lleol a chonsortia: A2. Hwyluso rhannu arfer dda rhwng ysgolion, awdurdodau lleol a chonsortia rhanbarthol A3. Gwneud yn siŵr bod ymgynghorwyr her yn herio ac yn cynorthwyo arweinwyr ysgol ar bresenoldeb disgyblion Recommendations Local authorities and consortia should: R2. Facilitate the sharing of best practice between schools, local authorities and regional consortia R3. Make sure challenge advisors challenge and support school leaders on pupil attendance

Argymhellion Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru: A4. Gyhoeddi’r ddogfen arweiniad ‘Strategaethau i ysgolion wella presenoldeb a rheoli diffyg prydlondeb’ Recommendations The Welsh Government should: R4. Publicise the ‘Strategies for schools to improve attendance and manage lateness’ guidance document

Arfer orau Mae gan Ysgol Gynradd Parkland, Abertawe fforwm rhieni er mwyn sicrhau bod cyfathrebu da a pharhaus gyda rhieni. Mae’r fforwm hwn yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd ac yn galluogi arweinwyr yr ysgol a rhieni i drafod materion ysgol. Mae’r grŵp hwn yn ffynhonnell wybodaeth werthfawr i’r ysgol am faterion perthnasol, fel presenoldeb. Cymerodd y fforwm ran mewn craffu a chytuno ar y polisi presenoldeb newydd. Fe wnaeth hyn helpu i sicrhau cydweithrediad rhieni. Mae’r grŵp hwn yn gallu siarad â rhieni eraill hefyd, gan sicrhau bod yr ysgol yn cyfleu ei neges yn gyson ac yn dda. Mewn arolygon rhieni er 2011, mae rhieni wedi dangos boddhad cynyddol â’r ysgol. Mae ffigurau presenoldeb yn dangos tuedd barhaus o wella dros y 4 blynedd diwethaf, o’r 25% gwaelod i’r 50% uwch. Best practice Parkland Primary School, Swansea has a parents’ forum in order to ensure good and ongoing communication with parents. This meets regularly and allows school leaders and parents to discuss school matters. This group is a valuable source of information for the school about relevant issues, such as attendance. The forum took part in scrutinising and agreeing the new attendance policy. This helped ensure parental co-operation. This group is also able to speak with other parents, ensuring the school communicates its message consistently and well. In parents’ surveys since 2011, parents have shown an increasing satisfaction with the school. Attendance figures show a continuing trend of improvement over the last 4 years, from the bottom 25% to the higher 50%.

Arfer orau Mae Ysgol Herbert Thompson, Caerdydd wedi datblygu ‘sgwad dysgu’ o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 5 sy’n gweithio fel cynrychiolwyr i gynorthwyo arweinwyr gyda gwella’r ysgol. Bob tymor, mae’r disgyblion hyn yn gweithio gyda rhyw 20 o ddisgyblion y mae’r ysgol yn nodi bod angen iddynt wella eu presenoldeb. Bod bore, mae’r sgwad yn ymweld â’r disgyblion yn ystod cofrestru, ac yn rhoi sticer iddynt os ydynt yn bresennol. Eu nod yw annog y disgyblion hyn i gael presenoldeb llawn am yr wythnos. Os ydynt yn llwyddo, maent yn gallu mynychu clwb amser cinio dydd Gwener, a sefydlwyd yn benodol ar eu cyfer. Caiff y clwb ei drefnu a’i redeg gan uwch aelodau staff a’r sgwad dysgu. Mae’r sgwad a disgyblion targedig yn penderfynu pa weithgareddau yr hoffent ymgymryd â nhw, er enghraifft celf a chrefft. Gall disgyblion hefyd ddewis bod yn arweinwyr chwarae i ddisgyblion yn y dosbarth Derbyn yn ystod amser y clwb. Best practice Herbert Thompson School, Cardiff has developed a ‘learning squad’ of Year 5 pupils who act as representatives to support leaders with school improvement. Each term, these pupils work with around 20 pupils that the school identifies as needing to improve their attendance. Each morning, the squad visits the pupils during registration and gives them a sticker if they are present. They aim to encourage these pupils to have full attendance for the week. If successful, they are able to attend a Friday lunchtime club, specifically set up for them. The club is organised and run by senior staff and the learning squad. The squad and targeted pupils decide what activities they would like to undertake for example art and craft. Pupils may also chose to act as play leaders for pupils in the Reception class during club time.

Arfer orau Mae strategaethau’r ysgol wedi helpu i gael effaith sylweddol ar wella presenoldeb disgyblion dynodedig. Er enghraifft, mewn un tymor, fe wnaeth yr ysgol dargedu 32 o ddisgyblion â phresenoldeb o dan 80% (hanner ohonynt gyda phresenoldeb o lai na 75%). O’r rhain, fe wnaeth 29 wella eu presenoldeb yn nodedig. Llwyddodd deuddeg disgybl (dros draean) i gyflawni presenoldeb o dros 90%, ac roedd gan wyth disgybl (chwarter) bresenoldeb o dros 95%. Llwyddodd pedwar disgybl i gael presenoldeb o 100% am y tymor. Effaith holl strategaethau’r ysgol ar bresenoldeb yr ysgol gyfan fu codi’r ysgol i’r 25% uchaf neu’r 50% uwch o gymharu ag ysgolion tebyg. Best practice The school’s strategies have helped to make a significant impact on improving the attendance of identified pupils. For example, in one term, the school targeted 32 pupils with attendance of below 80% (half with attendance of less than 75%). Of these, 29 improved their attendance notably. Twelve pupils (over a third) achieved attendance of over 90% and eight pupils (a quarter) had attendance of over 95%. Four pupils achieved 100% attendance for the term. The impact of all the school’s strategies on whole-school attendance has been to lift the school into the top 25% or higher 50% when compared with similar schools.

10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 1.Pa mor effeithiol ydyn ni’n cynllunio cyfleoedd dysgu ac yn creu amgylchedd sy’n croesawu pob disgybl ac yn eu hannog i fynychu? Beth mwy allen ni ei wneud? 2.A oes gennym bolisi presenoldeb clir y mae disgyblion, rhieni a staff yn ei ddeall? Sut gwyddwn ni? 3.Pa mor dda ydyn ni’n codi proffil presenoldeb gyda rhieni a disgyblion fel eu bod yn deall bod gan yr ysgol ddisgwyliad uchel o ran presenoldeb disgyblion ac yn deall effaith presenoldeb gwael ar waith disgyblion a’u cyfleoedd mewn bywyd? 10 questions for providers 1.How effectively do we plan learning opportunities and create an environment that welcomes all pupils and encourages them to attend? What more could we do? 2.Do we have a clear attendance policy that pupils, parents and staff understand? How do we know? 3.How well do we raise the profile of attendance with parents and pupils so that they understand that the school has a high expectation of pupil attendance and understand the impact of poor attendance on pupils’ work and life chances?

10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 4.Pa mor effeithiol ydyn ni’n cynnwys rhieni mewn bywyd ysgol ac mewn strategaethau i wella presenoldeb? 5.Beth ydyn ni’n ei wneud i sicrhau ein bod yn deall y rhesymau dros absenoldeb disgyblion unigol ac yn darparu her a chymorth wedi’u targedu i ddisgyblion a’u teuluoedd? 6.A oes gennym gysylltiadau digon cadarn â gwasanaethau cymorth, yn cynnwys grwpiau cymunedol, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a’r gwasanaeth lles addysg sy’n gallu helpu o ran ymgysylltu â theuluoedd sy’n agored i niwed a’u cynorthwyo? 10 questions for providers 4.How effectively do we involve parents in school life and in strategies to improve attendance? 5.What do we do to ensure that we understand the reasons for individual pupil absence and provide targeted challenge and support for pupils and their families? 6.Do we have strong enough links with support services including community groups, social services and the education welfare service that can assist in engaging and supporting vulnerable families?

10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 7.A oes gennym staff sydd â chyfrifoldeb wedi’i ddiffinio’n glir ar gyfer monitro a gwella presenoldeb? Pa mor dda mae’r rôl hon wedi’i diffinio a pha mor effeithiol ydyw? 8.A ydyn ni’n craffu ar, ac yn dadansoddi’r holl ddata sydd ar gael i nodi a gweithredu ar faterion presenoldeb yn gyflym a chyson? 9.A oes gennym system gadarn o gyswllt diwrnod cyntaf a chyswllt parhaus ar waith ar gyfer pan fydd disgyblion yn absennol? A yw protocolau yn cael eu dilyn yn gyson? 10.A ydy’n ni’n cynnwys presenoldeb mewn cynlluniau gwella ysgol ac yn sicrhau bod strategaethau yn cael eu gweithredu mewn modd amserol? A yw uwch aelodau staff a’r corff llywodraethol yn monitro ac arfarnu effaith strategaethau presenoldeb? 10 questions for providers 7.Do we have staff with a clearly defined responsibility for monitoring and improving attendance? How well defined and effective is this role? 8.Do we scrutinise and analyse all the data available to identify and act on attendance issues quickly and consistently? 9.Do we have a robust first-day and on- going contact system in place for when pupils are absent? Are protocols followed consistently? 10.Do we include attendance in school improvement planning and ensure that strategies are implemented in a timely manner? Do senior staff and the governing body monitor and evaluate the impact of attendance strategies?
