ST Kick-off Promoting Awareness and Benefits of GEO in the Science and Technology Community Douglas Cripe – GEO Secretariat Frascati/Brussels July 2009
1.High-level list of major scientific research enterprises necessary for GEOSS. ICSU is asked to report on the status of the list, which should be available early in Coordination with ST Identification the key organizations currently not linked to GEO and development of mechanisms for linkage to these organizations. 3.Organize, support, initiate workshops to network the new organizations with relevant Task Team and CoPs in the different SBA. Although this activity is not planned until 2011 or 2012, it could also be worthwhile to consider some workshops already in 2010, depending on which organizations have joined GEO. Activity 1: Links with major scientific research enterprises
1.GEOSS citation standard to provide the means for visible acknowledgment of scientific contributions to GEOSS. Proposal to be ready for the GEO Plenary in Develop concept for a "GEO label" related to the scientific relevance, quality, acceptance and societal needs for activities in support of GEOSS as an attractive incentive for involvement of the S&T communities. 3.Increase relevance and benefits of GEOSS registries (GCI) for scientific communities through enhanced registration of relevant scientific data sets. Means for dissemination and a source of core data sets often produced by science organizations and needed for both research and GEOSS services. Activity 2: Encourage scientists and technical experts to contribute to GEOSS
1.Support outreach of GEO Principals, Committee members and other delegates to S&T communities by provision of a slide library. 2.Compile a set of compelling examples showing how GEOSS serves S&T communities in their work. intended to strongly feed into the preparations for 2010 Ministerial. examples to be made available through the GEO Web page. 3.Showing "GEOSS at Work" through games using GEOSS products. includes promotion of young scientist activities through the "Save Earth” game prize" established by IEEE Activity 3: Outreach to diverse scientific and technological communities to raise GEOSS visibility
1.Outreach to major university cooperation programs and research network. 2.Proactive collaboration between GEO Tasks and S&T activities at universities and labs. Although this is planned to take place from 2010 onwards, it would be helpful to have a participant commit to lead this activity. 3.Transition from research to operational (2010 onwards). A first step is to screen information (web-based, survey with the Participating Organizations, other means) for candidate research activities that are relevant for a transition. Activity 4: Specific efforts to contact universities and research laboratories to involve them in GEOSS activities.
1.Plenary presentations on GEO and GEOSS in relevant sessions at major science events. IEEE committed to lead this and a report it expected. 2. Organize specific session on GEOSS-related topics at major scientific meetings. AGU Fall 2009 USGEO Townhall events 3.Side events at major scientific meetings. 4. Prospectus for a series of SBA-specific major conferences to be convened before One or more participants need to commit to draft the prospectus, preferably in cooperation with relevant CoPs. Activity 5: Presence of GEO at major symposiums and other meetings on different levels.
Thank you!