Collierville Elementary Science, Technology, Engineering, andMath
What will I do in STEM Club? Each week, you will be given a real world problem in which you will work cooperatively with a group to create a solution. You will test your idea, revise it, and then present it to the group.
When will STEM club meet? STEM Club will meet every Thursday at 7:45 a.m. beginning the week of October 19th. Members are required to attend all meetings. Each student will be allowed 1 missed meeting per semester. Students must be on time for meetings. More than 1 tardy will jeopardize the student’s standing in the club.
How can I join? The Student Application process will include the following: *Completing and submitting a Student STEM Club application (will be sent home in a few weeks) *A teacher recommendation from a CES teacher
* the ability to work well with others * perseverance * thinking creatively * has good attendance * in good academic standing * adheres to the 3 R’s Being Ready, Respectful, and Responsible Criteria for being chosen: