CSC 110 – Intro. to Computing Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D /
Items to Discuss Course Goals Administration Schedule Working together Attendance Late work/Make-ups Grades
Course Goals After this course, students should: Appreciate history & culture of computers Understand how computers work Describe how computers are used to solve real-world problems Explain pros and cons of possible computer-based solutions Be aware of computer’s impact on society
Corequisites Must be registered in CSC110L Labs include students from different sections Lab instructor will talk more about CSC110L this week Course has service learning component At least 15 hours of volunteer work More about this later…
Textbooks Bundle: Nell Dale and John Lewis, Computer Science Illuminated, 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett, 2004 Nell Dale, Student Lecture Companion, Jones and Bartlett, 2004 R. Mark Meyer, Explorations in Computer Science, Jones and Bartlett, Available at bookstore
Course Website s06/ Contains handouts, lecture slides, announcements, etc. Good place to check for information May not include everything said in class
Schedule Detailed schedule available on web Will not always follow order in book Occasionally use materials to be handed out in class Some chapters presented out-of-order Lectures usually covers material not in book I assume all students have done reading before class
Course Syllabus -- Topics History of computers Binary encodings Logic, Gates, & Circuits Computer architecture PALGO Robots Information systems Simulation Social reponsibility & Ethics Artificial Intelligence Networks Internet/World Wide Web
Working Together All work you submit for a grade must have been done by you Students may discuss homework problems, but: Cannot leave discussions with anything but your memories Must wait 15 minutes before writing any solutions When in doubt, ask me
Attendance Daily attendance will be taken Class attendance is mandatory Can miss 4 classes without any penalty Lose 2 points from final grade for each add’l absence You are responsible for what happens in class Missing class will not be accepted as an excuse Talk to me or a classmate to find out what happened in any class that you miss Great way to earn a poor grade: skip class
Late work/Make-ups “Date due” means date due Late work NOT accepted Make-ups will not be offered Not needed --- attendance is mandatory If you know you will miss a quiz, talk to me ahead of time
Life happens When a catastrophe occurs… Get a note from the Dean Be prepared to show some documentation Talk to the me as soon as you can We will find an workable solution My goal is not to punish anyone because they have an attack of the “real world”
Help! Everyone will fall behind, not understand a detail, and/or have questions Be mature: ask questions and seek out help Use all available resources CSC and academic skills tutors also available DO NOT leave homework to the last moment Best way to fail is to remain silent
Homework and Grading ItemWorth Midterm20% Final25% Homework10% Essay10% Quizzes15% Lab Grade20% Midterm will be given Mar. 9 th Quizzes will be given about every other week Planned timing of quizzes in syllabus
Writing Skills Course includes substantial writing component Important life skill for everyone Essays on midterm & final Writing web pages to log your experiences doing service learning Make larger web page at end of semester discussing these experiences More about this later in week
Notetaker DSS needs a notetaker for this class Must take accurate, legible notes Provide copy to Old Main 004 Easy way to make a quick $50 “Canadian and International” students ineligible Interested students talk to me after class
Personal Information Sheet Name: Matthew Hertz Year: 1 st year Major: Computer Science Previous Computer Experience: Worked for two years in industry Why are you in this course: I enjoy working with computers My goals for this semester are… Develop improved in-class exercises Improve students enthusiasm for and interest in computer science Beat my wife at darts