Discussion Topics – Delaware River Basin Pilot Project Synergistic opportunities between FIA/FHM/GC/USGS –Scaling – top down/bottom up – multi-tier approach –Multi-phase estimation techniques –Integrated monitoring – land/air/water (e.g. fragmentation and water q.) –Specific variables (e.g. soils) or unique systems (e.g. riparian) Specific future projects? – Additional pilot studies: DRB 2? Where? NACP “Tier 3”? –Techniques development: New variables or enhanced variables? Estimation methods for multi-phase inventories? Linking P1/P2/P3 with research sites (P4/P5)? Others? Ways to strengthen links between FIA/FHM and other research
North American Carbon Program (NACP) – Biophysical Measurements and Models Reduce the uncertainty in land-based monitoring of changes in carbon stocks Fully integrate land-based measurements with atmospheric measurements Provide the mechanistic foundation for inverse modeling and data assimilation
The Multi-tier Approach to Monitoring MODIS with field validation – “bigfoot” USFS approach to forest health monitoring
NACP Hierarchical land surface measurement program Tier One – Remote Sensing and Mapping –Wall-to-wall coverage; stratification –Temporal resolution = high or low Tier Two – Extensive Inventories and Surveys –Representative regional statistical sample –Temporal resolution = low Tier Three – Condition Sample (new) –Representative of specified condition classes –Temporal resolution = medium Tier Four –Intensive Areas –Relatively small number of specific sites –Temporal resolution = high
Multi-tier Monitoring Concept for the Land Component of NACP Example Variable Tier 1 Remote Sensing Tier 2 Extensive Inventory Tier 3 Condition Sample Tier 4 Intensive Site Land coverXXXX Leaf areaXXXX DisturbanceXXXX* Live biomassXXX LitterfallXX Soil CO 2 fluxXX Methane fluxXX DOCXX NEEX * Designed experiments
Objectives of “Tier 3” of NACP Augment coverage of the land surface by tier 4 sites –Natural disturbances and management –Edges/fragmented landscapes –Mountain terrain Facilitate scaling from intensive sites to landscapes Model parameterization or validation
Proposal: The primary sampling unit of a Tier 3 site will be a 1 x 1 km grid of inventory plots surrounding a special research installation 9-36 inventory plots km -2 Flux, meteorological tower or other installation at center Primary sampling units (1 x 1 km grids) may be combined Other measures (litterfall, respiration) take place at inventory plots
FS Flux Tower Other Flux Tower Potential New FS Flux Tower Potential New FS Biometric Site Tier 3 Pilot Test Locations