Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care: Building a Bridge with Knowledge Brokering A CHSRF Knowledge Brokering Demonstration Site
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Who are we? The decision-makers - The CAPITAL CARE Group - The Good Samaritan Society - Capital Health - Alberta Health & Wellness The Researchers - The University of Alberta - The University of Calgary - The Alberta Centre on Aging
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Our Project We want to engage decision-makers and researchers in exchange of information, ideas, and research topics related to RAI 2.0.
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering RAI 2.0 The tool we are building our knowledge brokering group around Imminent roll-out in Alberta A great tool for practice & research: - standardized and controlled - allows pre/post- intervention and intra/inter group comparisons
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Phase One We have created a Knowledge Brokering Associate Position and hired Jasmine Baggaley. Change job descriptions at The Good Samaritan Society and The CAPTIAL CARE Group Development of a project plan for phase two (years 2 & 3) Developed a timeline for the phases Developed a work plan for each of the phases and those activities that would be ongoing
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Phase Two Ongoing KBG meetings Implementation of planned activities which may include: - monthly newsletters - needs assessment workshop - a second workshop with a well- known knowledge broker - a series of interactive sessions
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Accomplishments Presentation of RAI instruments Held ½ day meeting with presentations Developed a work plan with timelines Meet with evaluation team Provided CHSRF with a framework for the Spring Research Use Week Use of “Is Research Working for You”
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Accomplishments cont’d Presentations at organizational and regional levels, and at a provincial “Water Cooler” Session Research initiated to look at post occupancy as residents move to a new facility Connected with the KUSP and attend brown bag sessions as appropriate Engaged provincial and regional decision makers in discussions about RAI implementation
“Knowledge brokering is about bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better. It is the human force that makes knowledge transfer more effective." CHSRF Evidence and Policy in Long Term Care Building a bridge with knowledge brokering Contact Info To find out more about the project, please feel free to contact me: Cynthia Johnson The CAPITAL CARE Group Capital Care Dickinsfield Street Edmonton, Alberta Phone – (780) Fax – (780)