Suraj Minisandram Connor Kirby Jessica Stickel
In theory–federal political system Government organizations on local, state and national level Constitutions—three branches of government In reality—executive branch dominates policymaking Neither federalism nor checks and balances operate State and local governments dependent on central government
Changes in Nigeria’s Executive Branch Presidential system established- two term limit for chief executive Palace coup established military dictatorship; subsequent coups- all promised “transition to democracy” First presidential election; civilian rule returned but 1999 and 2003 presidents were military generals Executive Legislative Judicial The Senate The House of Representatives Bureaucracy Sharia courts Courts based on British model Military Influences from
Presidential system (2 nd republic 1979) Previous parliamentary system failed because ethnicities fragmented the multi-party system Belief was that president could symbolize unity Followed US model until 1983 coup by Major- General Muhammadu Buhari Period of turmoil until 2007 when one civilian president handed power to another for the first time President Goodluck Jonathon
Seven military leaders All promised “transition to democracy” Only two gave power to elected leaders General Obasanjo in 1979 General Abubakar in 1999 Presidents have appointed senior officials without legislative approval Legislature and judiciary fail to check executive power
Patrimonialism- president is head of an intricate patron-client system and dispenses government jobs and resources as rewards to supporters Government jobs part of patronage system Unstable system because generals are repeatedly overthrown
Civil service system from the British still in place after independence Bureaucracy corrupt and inefficient Jobs awarded through patron-client system or prebendalism Many Nigerian government agencies are actually para-statals
State corporatism exists because para- satals are government controlled Para-statals are corporations owned by the state and designated to provide commercial and social welfare services Inefficiently run and corrupt NEPA (electrical service) renamed Power Holding Company (Please Hold Candle)
Nigerian legislature has taken many forms since independence Parlimentary system in place until 1979 which was replaced by presidential system Bicameral legislature known as National Assembly Elections held week preceding the presidential elections
Senate Upper house Composed of 109 senators, 3 from each of the 36 states and one from the federal capital territory of Abuja Elected directly by popular vote House of Representatives Lower house 360 members from SMDs Elected by plurality
Has only recently become an effective check on president’s power Ex. National Assembly’s failure to ratify President Obasanjo’s plan to alter the constitution to allow him to run for a third term Representatives and senators have often been part of corruption scandals.
Early years of independence- courts were autonomous Combination of British common law and traditional law (including sharia in the northern region) Operated independently from executive Military rule ravaged the court system Judicial review suspended President’s cronies appointed as judges Judges today not well versed in law
Examples of military rule of judiciary: Mshood Abiolao, the winner of 1993 election that was annulled by Babangida-detained and died in custody Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogonis were detained and hanged by a military court Critics of the government believed that justice was not served
Today judiciary is supposed to interpret laws with the constitution so judicial review exists in theory Court structures at both federal and state levels; highest court is supreme court Court structure complicated by sharia courts that exist side by side 1999 Constitution established a Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, and a single unified court system
Tribunals have been established, especially to hear accusations of voting fraud Shows that Nigeria takes rule of law more seriously than before The judiciary is stronger and more independent now than in the past
Strong force behind policymaking in Nigeria, but by becoming more politically active military lost credibility first coup- military made distinctions between “military in government” and “military in barracks” “military in barracks” fulfills traditional duties of military; leaders critical of military control of political power Military presidents keep a close eye on other military leaders
One of the few institutions that is national in character Often blocked democratic reforms Military has restored stability when deep ethnic cleavages threaten society Nigeria’s best often make their way by rising through the military
Sources nigerian-president nigerian-president Nig.jpghttp:// Nig.jpghttp:// HOR.jpg HOR.jpg dsqHQUrBfaYV7rgnQGreq3NoHpCy dsqHQUrBfaYV7rgnQGreq3NoHpCy wYDAZ4XeZVlGqfpaNsr4K3YGC3EKCdAv5KRP1iT4 wYDAZ4XeZVlGqfpaNsr4K3YGC3EKCdAv5KRP1iT4 AP Comparative Government and Politics: An Essential Coursebook and Study Guide 5 th Edition by Ethel Wood