Renea P. Coley Professional School Counselor King’s Fork High School
Guidance Services Promotion Policy Components of an Independent Learner Group Activity
Mrs. Harris, Secretary, Mrs. Coley, Mrs. Eberwine, Mr. Baxter, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. Jerlin A-D Mrs. Eberwine E-L Mrs. Coley M-S Mr. Baxter T-Z Mrs. Jerlin
Attendance Notes Turn your notes in as soon as you return. You have 5 days to make up missing assignments from excused absences. If you will be absent more than 3 days, ask your counselor to request make up work in advance.
Reasons to see your counselor To discuss problems Career planning College planning Scheduling issues For information on: Summer programs Governor’s School Scholarships SAT’s/ACT’s Transcripts
Attendance Notes Turn your notes in as soon as you return. You have 5 days to make up missing assignments from excused absences. If you will be absent more than 3 days, ask your counselor to request make up work in advance.
In order to be promoted to the 10 th grade you must: Have at least 5 credits Including English 9 Including a math credit Have at least 1 verified SOL credit (pass the class and the SOL) World History Earth Science Algebra I/Geometry
What is an independent learner? “An independent learner is someone who has found out enough about their subject requirements and their lecturers’ expectations so that they can plan their study effectively. It doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help or that you are expected to know what to do the whole time. It does mean that you can draw on criteria for your decision-making, like how much reading you should do for a topic; what questions to ask; whether to spend another hour studying before bed.” 2009 Monash University
Plans Their Study Organizes their time Comes to class prepared Balances studying and other activities Asks for Help Communicates by asking questions/good listener Seeks help from teachers, counselors, parents, etc. Decision-Making Makes responsible decisions about learning Knowing the Teacher’s Expectations Study guides Rubrics Clearly stated objectives
Make good grades Are leaders in the school and community Have good work ethics Have a good rapport with teachers and peers Effectively participates in society Are life-long learners Set achievable goals
You will be divided into small groups Your task: to describe the elements of an Independent Learner Write it out Draw it Act it Be creative Present your results