WHAT IS IT? “Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart. It includes knowing what you’re feeling and using your feelings to make good decisions in life. It’s being able to manage distressing moods well and control impulses.
WHAT IS IT? It’s being motivated and remaining hopeful and optimistic when you have setbacks in working towards goals. It’s empathy: knowing what the people around you are feeling. AND It’s social skill - getting along well with other people, managing emotions in relationship, being able to persuade and lead others.
Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important in Schools? THINK: Take a minute to think about why one aspect might be important in a primary classroom. PAIR: Discuss your aspect with someone sitting close to you. SHARE: Share key points with the larger group.
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? taught as six skills: self awareness, empathy, managing emotions, communication, cooperation, resolving conflict SELF AWARENESS: is the ability to recognize feelings and put a name to them. It’s knowing the relationship between thoughts, feelings and actions. What thought sparked that feeling? What feeling was behind the action?
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? EMPATHY: in order to understand situations and act appropriately, one needs to understand the feelings of others involved from their perspective. It includes listening without being carried away by personal emotions. MANAGING EMOTIONS: Know what is behind your feelings. WHY? Know how beliefs affect your ability to act and how you do things. Example: negative self talk
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? MANAGING EMOTIONS Understand how hope can be an asset. Find ways to deal with anger, fear, anxiety and sadness. Example: learn how to soothe oneself when upset. Understand what happens when emotions get the upper hand. Know how to gain time to judge if and what is about to be said or done in the heat of the moment. Learn how to channel emotions to a positive end.
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? COMMUNICATION: Good communication skills foster quality relationships. Being able to express personal concerns without anger or passivity, but authentically, is a key asset. Enthusiasm, optimism, pessimism and negativity are all contagious. What feelings are being communicated to others? How? (body language, tone of voice, inflection)
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? COOPERATION: Know how and when to take the lead and when to follow. Learn how to value others’ contributions and encourage participation. Recognize the consequences of decisions and actions. Follow through on commitments. Take responsibility for your own actions. REMEMBER: Effective leadership is built on the art of helping people work together around common goals- NOT ON DOMINATION.
How is emotional intelligence taught in schools? RESOLVING CONFLICT: understand the mechanisms at work People in conflict are usually locked into a self perpetuating emotional spiral. Usually the declared subject of conflict is NOT the key issue. Need to learn how to use the skills previously discussed to resolve conflict.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Authentic Task Using what you know about each age group and what you know about Multiple Intelligence Theory, plan an activity to teach Emotional Intelligence to JK, SK, Grade 1, 2 or 3. This information will be presented to the larger group when each group shares their information about their age group.