1 Emotional Intelligence in Management Emotion- “A feeling and its distinctive thoughts, psychological and biological states and range of propensities to act” e.g.- Anger Sadness Enjoyment Fear Love Surprise Disgust Shame Emotions- 1.Primary Emotions- Person feeling at first 2.Secondary Emotions- What a primary emotion leads to e.g. Anger – Secondary emotion Before the anger- Feeling of being insulted, assaulted, forced
2 Evolution of Emotional Intelligence A form of social intelligence that involves a ability to monitor one’s own and others feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one thinking and action. By- Peter Salovey & Dr. John Mayer Branches of EI- 1.Recognize the emotions 2.Use emotions to assists thought process 3.To be aware of emotions 4.To manage the emotions
3 Theory of Performance- Developed by Goleman It predicts and develop the features that differentiates exceptional performers form others at any level of the job. Ways of being SMART- a.Knowing your feelings and use them to make good decision b.Managing your feelings well c.Motivating your self with zeal and persistence d.Maintaining hope in frustrations e.Interact smoothly and manage your relationships in an organization
4 Components of Emotional Intelligence Awareness of the Self (Identification) Management of the Self( Regulation) Awareness of emotions and its impacts Self assessment- Awareness of the own strength and weaknesses Self-Confidence Self-Control Adaptability to changing situations Relaibility Orientation towards achievement & growth Initiative Personal Competence Social Competence Social Awareness (Identification) Management of relationship (Regulation) Appreciation of the s & w of the others Awareness about the organization Orientation towards the service Conflict mgmt skills Influence Communication skills Ability to work in teams Leadership skills
5 Analyzing the impact of emotions in the work place Emotions- Either positive or negative Differ from person to person based on the gender, racial characteristics A.Negative Emotions- Distrust the goal of an organization Toxic Emotions- If not properly dealt in an organization- Causes the loss of self esteem of the employees in an organization
6 7 Deadly “ins”- Defined by the Frost Intention Incompetence Infidelity Insensitivity Institutional Inevitability Negatives emotions- manifest themselves in the form of spreading rumors, wasting the resources of the organization, hostility towards colleagues
7 Indicators of the existence of negative resources in the organization Poor working condition Constant fear of the change in the organization Frequent changes in the organizational structure Very high or low level of the stress Lack of trust in decision in of TOP mgmt Lack of job security Lack of the recognition Lack of team effort Interdepartmental conflicts Poor career prospects Poor supervision
8 Consequences of the Negative emotions in an organization Low productivity Absenteeism High employee turn over Lack of motivation Increase in the customer complaints Reduction in the product quality Increase in conflicts Loss of the team spirit Loss of the faith in the organization Corrective measures should be apply before they convert into toxic in an organization.
9 Major threats….. Job satisfaction Job involvement Organizational Commitment Difficult to fulfill these objectives For an organization
10 Positive Emotions Lead to High Morale, Improved Performance and job satisfaction Tips for keeping organization emotionally Balanced To attend stress management classes Team spirit should be increased Helping the employees to manage the stress All employees treated equally by rules& procedure
11 Application of Emotional Intelligence in the work place EI and Career Development e.g. Career in Hospitality industry- To maintain good relations with the clients Emotions are managed positively to maintain good relations Recognize the customer needs by the EI- Self Awareness Self Control Empathy Social Skills L’Oreal’s – Selected the sales personal based on the EI Result- Better results and longer job satisfaction
12 EI and Leadership EI helps to develop leaderships on the following way- Awareness of the emotions of self and also of others Ability to predicts various emotional situations Effective use of identified emotions Management of emotions
13 Emotional Intelligence and Team Building EI acts as a binding force which connects the members of a group. The ways to increase the team building – Team members should know to each others Negative behavior if occurs, find the reasons for that and make the solution Decision to be known to each and every members in team Goals of the team- fulfill the organizational goal Emotions of team members – accepted Problem solving rather than blaming Build good relationship
14 Applying EI in the work place Required SkillsApplication in the Work Force Ability to identify the emotions Being aware of one’s emotions Ability to use emotions e.g. develop the creativity in workplace, develop a healthy environment for that Ability to understand the emotions Helps in understanding the points of view of others Ability to manage the emotions When happy- identify and repeat the behavior When anxious, sad- remove to stop that repeat
15 EI and Indian Organization EI as a factor for managerial promotions in Tata group- used a matrix – tracks the EI and called it energy Cadbury India- People Care Index- PCI evaluates the set of factors that determine the emotional intelligence at work place Johnson & Johnson Consumer &Personal Care group- Develop “Standards of leadership” based on the EI
16 Guidelines for the development of EI in Organization Stage-1 Preparation- a.Evaluate the organizational goal b.Evaluate each individual based on the required competency c.Provide the feedback d.Provide choices to learners e.Persuade employees to participate f.Help employees to link objectives of training with their personal goals g.Help employees to have positive and realistic expectations about outcome h.Evaluate the readiness of each employee for training
17 Stage-2 Training Select trainers who can develop positive relationship with the learners Make the programme tailor made to achieve individual goals Make each participant set clear and challenging goals Divide the goals into achievable steps Encourage trainees to participate Provide feedback to the learners Use training more effective – experiments
18 Stage-3 Application Set an organizational culture that supports learning Encourage use of learned skills to improve the performance Remove restrictions, if any Stage-4 Evaluation-Improvement in performance