Mr. Platt’s Class Rm
Mr. Platt Grew up in Coyle, OK. Graduated from Choctaw Public School, OK. Graduated Cum Lade from Northeastern State University. Did some Masters work at Oklahoma State University. 4th year here at Centennial
Mrs. Platt
Our Goal Our goal in this class is to have safe, positive, and respectful learning environment. We are here together each day with the overriding goal of growing and learning together. The best way we can achieve our goals and be productive is by creating mutual respect for each other, despite differences and/or challenges.
Broken Arrow Civic Values Showing respect for self and others Demonstrating care for family and friends Accepting people of different races Valuing the efforts of hard work Striving to improve in all of life‘s endeavors Acting with courage of one‘s convictions Working for the common good
Rules and Expectations We will show Respect in everything we do. With this everyone is expected to: Be on time and prepared for the class Be respectful in their actions and speech Follow directions in a timely manner Be responsible for their own learning Leave food or drink for designated times and places Follow all school and district rules and policies
Anticipated Class Schedule Entering the class/Bellwork Homework Lecture/Notes Independent Practice Clean-up
Entering Class Students will enter the class in a calm manner and be seated. Students are to ensure they have all necessary materials prior to class starting (sharpening pencils, getting out notes, etc.). Students will pass out the 3 ring binders used for the class every day. Binders are expected to be on the desk of every student at the start of class. Students are to immediately begin the bellwork assignment posted on the back board.
Homework During this time the previous day’s homework/practice will be reviewed. If a student has a question regarding the homework this is an appropriate time to voice those concerns. Homework will be collected at this time. Every student must turn in the assignment or fill out a “Missing Homework” form and turn it in.
Lecture/Notes During this section, the teacher will cover the bulk of the new material. Students are expected to be quiet, attentive, and completing their guided notes. Notes will be taken and placed in their binder. These notes will be graded.
Independent Practice During this section the teacher will give instruction for the activity or practice questions. After instructions are given, the students are allowed to talk quietly in their groups as long as it applies to the given assignment. Students must stay seated unless instructed otherwise. Students are expected to complete the activity in the allotted time. It is important to note that at any time their binder will be taken up to be graded.
Clean-up/Closing During this section students are expected to thoroughly clean the class and put the desks back in order. Binders will need to be picked up and reshelved. After cleaning students will stand quietly behind their desks and wait for further instructions. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell.
Homework Types of Assignments – Daily Work/Bellwork – Notes – Projects – Quizzes and Tests Students will be given assignments frequently. If a student is unable to complete an assignment in the allotted class time it is then considered homework. Homework is expected immediately the date due for full credit. If student does not have the assignment they must fill out a “Missing Assignment Form” and turn it in. This doesn’t exempt the student from the work instead it is now considered “Late”. The folder will be evaluated on a regular basis but they may be asked for at any time for evaluation.
Late Work In order to receive partial credit for “Late Work” students must fully complete the assignment and turn it in the next day with a maximum grade of 80% before deductions. The following day the assignment will be worth 50% the following day. “Late Work” received after this will receive a grade of 0. No partially completed late work will be accepted.
Absent Work If a student is absent from a class they will be given two days to complete the assignments for each day missed. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they get their own work.
3 Strikes System of Discipline 1 st correction: warning. Teacher will document on referral form. 2 nd correction: added documentation on referral form and parent phone call 3 rd correction: added documentation, parent notification, and teacher assigned detention Any further corrections will result in added teacher documentation and administrative referral.
Around the Classroom Attendance Classroom expectations Missing Assignment Forms Morning passes Graded Work Trays Late/Absent/No Name Trays Talking Assignment Reading Backpacks Cellphones