October 8, 2012 Sit in a seat. Bring to the Smart Board Get your assignment book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-2. Identify the question that you need to answer and problem that you need to solve. Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: * We will be working through the Scientific Method * Determine your Science Extension Topic (Purpose) * Choose the group you would like to work with Learning Goals: We must help our world with it’s water concerns. How can we help Relevance: Our water!
Science Extension ~take notes… Purpose: How can we help our world with it’s water concerns? Research: Water and Development- Global Issues Water Conservation Desalination
Science Extension Our Next meeting is Wednesday, October 15 Your task- think of the topics that you want to pursue. Bring your ideas to the next meeting. If possible, come with the P,R,H for your topic. At meeting, we will compare ideas and see who wants to work together.