Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. As a relatively new area of psychological research, the definition of EI is constantly changing.
Experts says Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to recognize your own feelings and those of other people, to be able to motivate yourself, to manage emotions in yourself and in your relationships. - Chris Walkins
Alexithymia and EI Alexithymia from the Greek words (literally "without words for emotions") is a term coined by Peter Sifneos in 1973 to describe people who appeared to have deficiencies in understanding, processing, or describing their emotions. Viewed as a spectrum between high and low EI, the alexithymia construct is strongly inversely related to EI, representing its lower range.The individual's level of alexithymia can be measured with self- scored questionnaires
5 Primal Emotions LOVEHAPPINESSANGERSADNESSFEAR Feeling Mad Feeling Remorse Embarrassed Feeling shame Primal Emotions build up to complex mental conditions that you don’t feel but rather are Act Love ActHappyActAngryActSadActFearful respectfulExcitedJealousDisappointedNervous SatisfiedIrritatedPitifulRemorseful ProudHatefulBoredConfused CalmDisgusteddepressedHopeful confidentfrustratedcourageous careful
A Model of Emotional Intelligence & Organisational Effectiveness
THE PIONEERS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 1990 Dr. Peter Salovey ( Yale University ) Dr. John Mayer ( University of New Hampshire )
The Mayer-Salovey Theory of Emotional Intelligence Identifying Emotions – the ability to recognize how you and others feel. Emotional Facilitation – the ability to generate emotion, reason, think and create with this emotion. Understand Emotions – the ability to understand people’s emotions, what causes emotions and how emotions change Managing Emotions – the ability which allows you to harness the power of your emotions to make effective decisions and choices.
The Four Branches of Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Perceiving Emotions Facilitating Thought Understanding Thought Managing Emotions BRANCH NAMEDESCRIPTION OF SKILLS INVOLVED The ability to perceive emotions in oneself & others as well as in objects, art, stories, music & other stimuli. The ability to generate, use & feel emotion as necessary to communicate feelings or employ them in other cognitive processes.. The ability to understand emotional information, to understand how emotions combine & progress through relationship transitions & to appreciate such emotional meanings. The ability to be open to feelings & to modulate them in oneself & others so as to promote personal understanding & growth.
The Emotional Competence Framework 1.Self–Awareness 2.Self-Regulation 3.Motivation 4.Empathy 5.Social Skills Personal Competence (Relates to ourselves) Social Competence (Relates to others)
These emotionally intelligent capacities are: 1.Independent Each makes a unique contribution to job performance. 2.Interdependent Each draws to some extent on certain others, with many strong interactions. 3.Hierarchical They build upon one another. E.g. self-awareness is crucial For self-regulation and empathy.
4.Necessary but not sufficient Having an underlying emotional intelligence ability does not guarantee people will develop or display the associated competencies, such as the climate of the organisation or the person’s interest will also determine if the competencies manifest themselves. 5.Generic The general list is to some extent applicable to all jobs. However, different jobs make differing competence demands. These emotionally intelligent capacities are:
A Framework of Emotional Competencies