Egg-Speriment Lab Write Up
Instructions Complete the lab write up. Most of the lab is already written for you. Hints and completed information is in black. Instructions for completion are in blue.
Problem & Science Learning Target Copy the problem and learning target into your journal Problem: Is sugar able to move freely across the cell membrane? Science Learning Targets: -investigate the semi-permeable nature of the cell membrane -Measure the volume of an irregular object using the displacement method.
Variables identify the variables of this experiment in your journal. Independent Variables (variables that we change or manipulate as scientists): Sugar Solution; Pure (distilled) Water Dependent Variables (these variables change & depend upon the manipulated variable. They are the data that we gather): Controlled Variables (our quality controlled variables that we keep the same):
Egg Observations record qualitative and quantitative observations in your journal Qualitative ( Description data or qualities) Quantitative ( numerical data or quantity)
Research Copy the research into your journal: -Cell membranes are selectively permeable. This means that they select (allow) some things to move across the cell membrane but not all things. -Cell membranes allow water to move freely across the cell membrane. -Water moves across cell membranes from high concentration to low concentration until the concentration on both sides are equal in water concentration. This process is called Osmosis. -An egg with more water inside the cell membrane will have a larger volume than an egg with low concentration. -To find the volume of an irregular object, you can use the displacement method. This method involves 3 steps. -Measure a set amount of water in a graduated cylinder. This is your Original Volume value. -Add your object to the water and measure the new volume. This is your New Volume value. -Subtract your Original Volume from your New Volume. This value is the volume of your object.
A MEANINGFUL if-then Hypothesis: give it a try!! If (predicted answer to your problem); then (what your data will look like if your prediction is correct).
Hypothesis: choose which official hypothesis fits your first impression and record it in your journal. Also write it on the 5 x 8” index card you were given in class. If sugar can move freely across the cell membrane, then the volume of the sugar egg will increase. (this is because sugar will move in) -OR- If sugar can NOT move freely across the cell membrane, then the volume of the sugar egg will decrease. (this is because water will move out since sugar can not move in)
Procedures- write procedures in your journal Soak eggs in vinegar for 2 days. Take initial volume of each egg and record data and averages Separate eggs into a distilled water group and a sugar solution group. Soak each egg in respective solutions for 2 days. Take final volume of each egg and record data and averages
Quantitative Data fill in your data and change the color of your your significant data row, then fill out info for your qualitative data Eggs in Pure water Lab TableOriginal Volume Final Volume 195 mL100 mL mL120 mL 495 mL100 mL 590 mL100 mL 6 Average98. mL103. mL Eggs in Sugar Quantitative Data Lab TableOriginal Volume Final Volume 190 mL50 mL 2110 mL50 mL 385 mL45 mL 4100 mL50 mL 5100 mL50 mL 685 mL60 mL Average95 mL51 mL
Data create a graph of your averages and put it on the 5 x 8” index card given to you as you entered the room Remember TAILS and DRY MIX!
Conclusion Instructions Your conclusion is an abstract (summary) of your entire project. It should be 6 sentences with the following topics. Use the acronym HADPEN to help you to make a good conclusion paragraph. You should write your conclusion in paragraph form. H (hypothesis restated) It was hypothesized that… A(accepted or rejected) The hypothesis was.. D(data) Summarize significant Data. Identify whether qualitative or quantitative data was most important in coming to a valid conclusion. P (Procedures)- critique procedures. Determine whether any improvements were made and if outside variables were appropriately controlled. E (explain)- explain why your data supports or rejects your hypothesis. Infer how the experiment clarifies and supports the scientific principle (science learning target) that the lab was aimed to teach. N (new ideas) Comment on new ideas for further experimentation. Ideas can include bringing this experiment to the a higher level, other ways to investigate the same principle, or improvements and expansions on the original experiment.
Conclusion: Write your conclusion in paragraph form on your 5 x 8” index card.
Index Card Graph Put on one side of Conclusionyour Index Card Your First and Last Name on the Back Your Class Period