Hybrid Maize Research Consortium B. S. Vivek Awareness/StartUp Meeting 19 March 2010
Welcome 37 seed companies 47 participants + CIMMYT Mostly Indian companies Please fill out the registration form in as much detail and return it by the end of the day 2 sides to the registration form
Introductions Who is NOT in the seed maize business? Who is in the seed maize business ONLY? Who does NOT have a maize breeding program? Who amongst you is a multi-national company? regional company? national company? Who considers yourself to be A “big” seed company A “medium” seed company A “small” seed company
Objective Establish a partnership with seed companies CONSORTIUM
Expectations From The Day Introduction to CIMMYT maize research activities, including a field visit Consortium: the concept and a proposal for activities and functioning Outline the needs and interests of seed companies Brainstorm and prioritize research topics for partnership Outline the mode of operation of the consortium Agree on a date for the next meeting
CIMMYT’s Mission Maize and Wheat Resource poor farmers in developing countries Foundation: strong science and effective partnerships Deliver food security improved productivity and profitability of farming systems Sustain natural resources
The CIMMYT Network CIMMYT is a non-profit research and training center Direct links to about 100 developing countries through offices in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Global Maize Program: Located in Mexico, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, India, Nepal, Bangladesh CIMMYT’s 2009 budget: USD 51 million
Portfolio of CIMMYT’s Research Agenda Stress Tolerant Maize Drought tolerant maize Tolerance to acidic and low fertility soils Tolerance to water logging Tolerance to heat stress Striga resistance Disease and insect resistance Food and income security Adjust to climate change Food safety Environmental concerns Nutritional & Specialty Maize Micronutrient-enriched maize Quality protein maize (QPM) Multi-purpose and specialty maize Nutrition, Health Income