CSR People Mr. Somwang Witayapanyanond
Big View of Mine Mine License, complete, but someone holding some areas (land security, need for law and CSR balancing?) Villages around mine boundary and along the road are the impact receiver. Mine development Areas and Tailing. Need to move road for mining, need for license from local and central. 3 Funds allocate to community as mine re- habitation fund, community life quality fund and risk insurance fund. (good concepts,but not clear the work instruction?) and using the priority to allocate for villages. 2
CSR in community Community need for help, and easily response from mine (may be improved by work instruction?). Community communication by village boards every month. Complain box always existing (should be analysis the data?). Community Health monitoring regularly report to Dpim in term of disease and corrective actions (normally in diabetes,blood pressure and fatigue, need for heavy metal and cyanide effects for NGO attacking prevention?). Manage village as traffic light ; green (OK), yellow (wait and see) and red (No) (need to see the detail?). Community leader know the funds, but all villagers not clears (communication corrective?) Mine perceptions, rich man. People need more benefit from mine (how to change perception?). Community Expectation change often, need money more than knowledge (how to manage?). 3
CSR in company CSR needs for other sections co-operations in difference functions (need for clear the functions exactly in practical?). CSR needs for mine master plan to have scheduling for synergy activity concern to next mine areas and land purchasing (need much more talking?). Needs for back-up plan if first plan impossible (company strategic need?). Needs total employees say the same ways (Alignment need? What is the knowledge for team built-up?). Loyalty employee needs (need for culture change?) 4
CSR activities Community activity in term of sufficiency economy; organic vegetable, herb for health, school vegetable, organic fertilizer. (good concept) Villages water tower and filtration are supported by company (need for water quality input and output?). Funds committee need for transparency and fairness (need instruction and decision criteria?). Funds effectiveness (quantity enough, many need to get, need for effectiveness?) Village meeting participation monthly. Small worry feedback from village meeting. Need for sport field. 5
CSR problems Land owner in community need to sell expensive lands and some people do some strategy to do this (need more strategic?). Funds committee need for transparency and fairness (need instruction and decision criteria?). Funds effectiveness (quantity enough, many need to get, need for effectiveness?) Cyanide fear, only who stay near the mine. Influencer in community create the company problems (how to control the influencer?). 6
CSR factors Internal factors – Need synergy teamwork External factors – Government officers, road re-location. – Land purchasing problems, someone interruption for their land profit. – Land rental for community agriculture in cheap price (need more strategic?). – Cyanide fearing and no trust, for protest issue (need more strategic?). – Noise and dust impact to some house and complain (need more communication and technical concern?). – Land purchasing and household exist (some bargaining? Learning lesson needs?). 7
CSR good answer to community Water in mine sump; Fly duck and fish can live. (water quality shown) blood donated by company employee, who work in the mine. (good quality blood shown) Company employee also drink water derived from the same source of community. (we eat as we do) Flexible answer (not rigidity and have enough time to think). 8
Summary of CSR Interview IF we need to up the level of CSR -Internal factor - need Alignment in all sections in the mine, when do something about CSR,such as communication, common vision, complain, emergency case etc. - Culture change for Synergy teamwork. - need to interview people about land, mining, environment for alignment steps. -External factor - we must find the ways to control Noise and dust (KM) to close the issue. - research need for changing the image,The new image (No fear) in simple ways and can touch for social perception. - Land problems need more strategic. 9