Dr. Michelle Edmonds, RN, MSN, DNP Dean of Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Science Southside Virginia Community College
Define Emotional Intelligence Define the four domains of Emotional Intelligence Discuss the concept of amygdala hijacking Discuss ways to increase Emotional Intelligence Have fun and learn some things
The ability to identify, assess, manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groupsability emotionsself groups Emotional Intelligence is the convergence of three things: IQ, EQ, and Personality Emotional Intelligence is the single best predictor of leadership success, personal success, and performance
Performance at Work Physical Health Mental Health Relationships
Understanding that you are reacting Understanding why you are reacting Tools ◦ Deal with Stress ◦ Understand Stress Responses ◦ Discover Stress-Busting Techniques
Anxious Tearful Can’t concentrate Heart racing Anger
Being able to control emotions Being able to realize that your amygdala is hijacked and control your reaction If don’t understand your emotions, they will resurface Shark Attack!!!!
Recognizing symptoms Controlling physiologic symptoms – deep breathing, meditating, sleep, count, etc. Don’t be a victim – they have no ability to manage Realize when you are stressed Identify your stress response (agitation, freezing, etc.) Discover good stress busting techniques
Use humor and play to deal with challenges These are natural things Take hardships in stride Simultaneously relax and energize yourself Become more creative Find enjoyable activities Schedule play time
Understand what is happening with those around you – are they happy, sad, anxious, etc. Nonverbal communication Has the person had his/her amygdala hijacked What makes you cue in to another’s emotions In order to be aware of others, you must have managed your own emotions
Watch and Focus on the Other Person Make Eye Contact Listen Ask Step in Other’s Shoes Seek Whole Picture Catch the Mood in Room Pay Attention to Non-Verbal Cues
Use your understanding of your emotions and those around you to create a successful interaction See benefit of connecting positively with others Listen and be interested in others Improves ability to hear and be heard Create safe environment Smooth over differences
Only get mad on purpose Acknowledge feelings of others Be transparent Build trust/be trustworthy Be curious Ask people to help you understand their side Resist comebacks/rebuttal
Stay focused in the present Don’t hold grudges View the situation as a way to resolve old conflicts and feelings Choose your arguments End conflicts that can’t be resolved Agree to disagree…It is ok
What problems do people encounter with communication at work or with students? Frustration/Irritation Worry/Nervousness Anger/Aggravation Dislike Disappointment/Unhappiness
Why do people triangulate? Relieve Anxiety Feel Helpless in a Relationship What would be problem with triangulating? Emotionally Exhausting Not Constructive How can you prevent triangulation? Express Neutrality and Objectivity
Aristotle Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way- that is not easy. Aristotle